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Neutral"Bad News" Brin
Image of "Bad News" Brin
Gender Female
Race Dwarf (Humanoid)
Level 10-30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Bloodsail Buccaneers
Location Wild Shore, Cape of Stranglethorn
Status Alive
Pirates' Day
The subject of this article or section is part of Pirates' Day, a seasonal event that lasts one day. Once the event has run its course, this will no longer be available until next year.

"Bad News" Brin is a dwarven member of the Bloodsail Buccaneers who appears at the Buccaneers' beach party on the Cape of Stranglethorn's Wild Shore during Pirates' Day. She offers to tell a number of pirate-themed jokes.


Take off yer shoes, grab a grog, and share a joke with me!
  • Gossip Sure, tell me a joke.
  • Gossip Your jokes are the best!
  • Gossip Your jokes are terrible!

If the player selects the first dialogue option, Brin will tell one of the following jokes:

  • Alright, batten down yer hatches, mateys. This one'll blow yer rudder off...
I was drinkin' with a Dread Crew gunner in Booty Bay last week...
After a few drinks, he looked me in the eyes and asked how the Bloodsail got to be so great...
I raised my mug and told him we just ARRR!
Ha, now someone get me a grog.
  • Alright, batten down yer hatches, mateys. This one'll blow yer rudder off...
So what's the deal with treasure chests nowadays? They're so expensive and shiny...
It's like we want people to find 'em! All that shiny gold edging and gem-encrusted locks...
It's like, are we storing treasure on the OUTside or the INside? Right?
Ha, now someone get me a grog.
  • Alright, batten down yer hatches, mateys. This one'll blow yer rudder off...
This is one of 'em brain puzzles...
What has six legs, six hands, and six eyes?
Six pirates!
Ha, now someone get me a grog.
  • Alright, batten down yer hatches, mateys. This one'll blow yer rudder off...
Ye all know crazy Rear Admiral Giggleplanks, right?
Did ye know he once used his gnomish gizmos to combine a parrot and shark into the ultimate pirate companion?
It worked great... until it talked his ear off!
Ha, now someone get me a grog.
  • Alright, batten down yer hatches, mateys. This one'll blow yer rudder off...
So Captain Salthoof got his first ship pretty quickly, right?
I asked him how much he had to bribe the admiral with to make that happen, and he told me his secret...
He got it on sail!
Ha, now someone get me a grog.

If a player tells Brin that her jokes are the best, she will /bow or /cheer and say one of the following:

  • I'll cut ye fer... Oh wait, ye liked em? Thank ye. Nobody ever says they like 'em.
  • I've trained over countless oceans and pillages. This be authentic pirate humor!
  • No hornswaggle? I thank ye kindly for that, friend.
  • Spread the word. Tell 'em ol' Bad News ain't so bad afterall.
  • Thank ye kindly, ye old sea dog.
  • Yarrr! Splice the mainbrace!

If the player instead tells her that her jokes are terrible, she will perform a /rude gesture and say one of the following:

  • A black spot upon ye and all yer cockroach friends!
  • Go dance with Jack Ketch, and leave the jokes to the old salt.
  • Ha! I'd like to see ye do better, scallywag!
  • I'll cleave ye to the brisket!
  • Shut yer squiffy grog hole and walk the plank, ye son of a biscuit eater!
  • Shut yer trap or I'll run ye through, ye pathetic pirate wannabe!
  • Yeah? Well yer face is terrible... and so is yer mother!

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