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Not to be confused with 7th Legion Arcanist (Eternal Palace).
Alliance7th Legion Arcanist
No image available
Gender Both
Race(s) Night elf, Human, Void elf (Humanoid)
Level 10-50
Class Mage
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) 7th Legion
Occupation Arcanist
Location Nazmir; Vol'dun; Tiragarde Sound

7th Legion Arcanists are night elves, humans, and void elves located around Nazwatha in Nazmir, Vol'dun, and Greystone Relief in Tiragarde Sound during the Faction Assaults.


  • Ability mage arcanebarrage Arcane Barrage — Inflicts Arcane damage to an enemy.
  • Spell arcane blast Arcane Blast — Blasts the target with energy, dealing Arcane damage. Each time you cast Arcane Blast, the damage of all Arcane spells is increased by 60% and mana cost of Arcane Blast is increased by 30%. Effect stacks up to 4 times and lasts 0 sec or until any Arcane damage spell except Arcane Blast is cast.
  • Spell nature starfall Arcane Missiles — Launches magical missiles at an enemy, inflicting Arcane damage.
  • Spell nature slow Slow — Increases the time between an enemy's attacks by 25%, casting time increased by 25% and slows its movement by 25% for 6 sec.

Objective of[]


  • Argh!
  • It burns!
  • Take cover!
  • That bomb... drops bombs!
  • They came from... above!
  • We need air support!
  • Where's our air support?
  • Why did we even come to this swamp?!

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Tiragarde Sound Nazmir Vol'dun