Automated updating of API pages at this location, to reflect patch changes, has ceased from 10.1.7 onwards. |
Needs summary.
- locale
- number
localeId | localeName | Description |
1 | enUS | English (United States) enGB clients return enUS |
2 | koKR | Korean (Korea) |
3 | frFR | French (France) |
4 | deDE | German (Germany) |
5 | zhCN | Chinese (Simplified, PRC) |
6 | esES | Spanish (Spain) |
7 | zhTW | Chinese (Traditional, Taiwan) |
8 | esMX | Spanish (Mexico) |
9 | ruRU | Russian (Russia) |
10 | ptBR | Portuguese (Brazil) |
11 | itIT | Italian (Italy) |
Patch changes[]
Patch 8.3.0 (2020-01-14): Added (Build 33724, Mar 17 2020).