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Returns info for an item.

itemName, itemLink, itemQuality, itemLevel, itemMinLevel, itemType, itemSubType,
itemStackCount, itemEquipLoc, itemTexture, sellPrice, classID, subclassID, bindType,
expacID, setID, isCraftingReagent
    = GetItemInfo(item) 


number|string : Item ID, Link or Name
  • Accepts any valid item ID but returns nil if the item is not cached yet.
  • Accepts an item link, or in item:%d format.
  • Accepts a localized item name but this requires the item to be or have been in the player's inventory (bags/bank) for that session.


Returns nil if the item is not cached yet or does not exist.

1. itemName
string - The localized name of the item.
2. itemLink
string : ItemLink - The localized link of the item.
3. itemQuality
Enum.ItemQuality🔗 - The quality of the item, e.g. 2 for Uncommon and 3 for Rare quality items.
4. itemLevel
number - The base item level, not including upgrades. See GetDetailedItemLevelInfo() for getting the actual item level.
5. itemMinLevel
number - The minimum level required to use the item, or 0 if there is no level requirement.
6. itemType
string : ItemType - The localized type name of the item: Armor, Weapon, Quest, etc.
7. itemSubType
string : ItemType - The localized sub-type name of the item: Bows, Guns, Staves, etc.
8. itemStackCount
number - The max amount of an item per stack, e.g. 200 for Runecloth.
9. itemEquipLoc
string : ItemEquipLoc - The inventory equipment location in which the item may be equipped e.g. "INVTYPE_HEAD", or an empty string if it cannot be equipped.
10. itemTexture
number : FileID - The texture for the item icon.
11. sellPrice
number - The vendor price in copper, or 0 for items that cannot be sold.
12. classID
number : ItemType - The numeric ID of itemType
13. subclassID
number : ItemType - The numeric ID of itemSubType
14. bindType
number : LE_ITEM_BIND - When the item becomes soulbound, e.g. 1 for Bind on Pickup items.
15. expacID
number : LE_EXPANSION - The related Expansion, e.g. 8 for Shadowlands. On Classic this appears to be always 254.
16. setID
number? : ItemSetID - For example 761 for Inv helmet 67 [Red Winter Hat] (itemID 21524).
17. isCraftingReagent
boolean - Whether the item can be used as a crafting reagent.


/dump GetItemInfo(4306)
[1] = "Silk Cloth", -- itemName
[2] = "|cffffffff|Hitem:4306::::::::53:258:::::::|h[Silk Cloth]|h|r", -- itemLink
[3] = 1,            -- itemQuality: Enum.ItemQuality.Common
[4] = 13,           -- itemLevel 
[5] = 0,            -- itemMinLevel 
[6] = "Tradeskill", -- itemType 
[7] = "Cloth",      -- itemSubType 
[8] = 200,          -- itemStackCount 
[9] = "",           -- itemEquipLoc
[10] = 132905,      -- itemTexture 
[11] = 150,         -- sellPrice
[12] = 7,           -- classID: LE_ITEM_CLASS_TRADEGOODS
[13] = 5,           -- subclassID 
[14] = 0,           -- bindType: LE_ITEM_BIND_NONE
[15] = 0,           -- expacID: LE_EXPANSION_CLASSIC
[16] = nil,         -- setID
[17] = true         -- isCraftingReagent
local item = Item:CreateFromItemID(21524)

	local name = item:GetItemName() 
	local icon = item:GetItemIcon()
	print(name, icon) -- "Red Winter Hat", 133169

Patch changes[]

Legion Patch 7.1.0 (2016-10-25): Added bindType, expacID, setID, isCraftingReagent returns.
Legion Patch 7.0.3 (2016-07-19): Added classID, subclassID returns. Item icon is now returned as a FileID rather than a path.

See also[]
