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HordeA Bazillion Macaroons?!
Start Trade Prince Gallywix[56.7, 76.9]VZ-KezanBlip
End Sassy Hardwrench[59.6, 77.1]VZ-KezanBlip
Level 1-20
Category Kezan
Race IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female Goblin
Experience 35
Reputation +10 Bilgewater Cartel
Previous H IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female [1-20] The Uninvited Guest
Next H IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female [1-20] The Great Bank Heist, H IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female [1-20] Robbing Hoods, H IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female [1-20G] Liberate the Kaja'mite, H IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female [1-20] Waltz Right In


Speak with Sassy Hardwrench at KTC Headquarters on Kezan.


You're an extremely ambitious young goblin, <name>. Maybe a little too ambitious for your own good. I see a lot of myself in you when I was your age.

I have a proposition. You might have noticed that Mount Kajaro is exploding thanks to your dragon. Everyone on Kezan is going to die!

But, if you bring me a bazillion macaroons before my yacht leaves the island, I'll make sure that you're one of the lucky few to escape.

If you want to live, you better hurry and figure out how to get me my moolah!


A bazillion macaroons?!?! Where are we going to get that kind of moolah?

<Sassy thinks a moment.>

Um... did the Trade Prince say anything about letting me escape with you on his yacht?


Sassy is now outside with the rest of the group. Completing this quest opens up three side quests in addition to the direct continuation. Pick them all up — they're interrelated.

Hey, <man/?>, are we gonna get through this okay?
<Gobber acts tough, but you can tell that deep down, he's scared.>
It looks like this is the end, but I'll be brave if you will, <name>.
Heya, hon. Um... we need to talk, but later.


  1. H IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female [1-20] Taking Care of Business
  2. H IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female [1-20] Trouble in the Mines / H IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female [1-20] Good Help is Hard to Find
  3. H IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female [1-20] Kaja'Cola
  4. H IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female [1-20] Megs in Marketing
  5. H IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female [1-20] Rolling with my Homies
  6. Three-way quest fork:
    1. H IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female [1-20] Report for Tryouts
    2. H IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female [1-20] The Replacements
    3. H IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female [1-20] Necessary Roughness
    4. H IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female [1-20] Fourth and Goal
    5. H IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female [1-20] Give Sassy the News
  7. H IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female [1-20] Life of the Party
  8. H IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female [1-20] Pirate Party Crashers
  9. H IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female [1-20] The Uninvited Guest
  10. H IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female [1-20] A Bazillion Macaroons?!
  11. Four-way quest fork:
  12. H IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female [1-20] 447
  13. H IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female [1-20] Life Savings

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