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AllianceA Bit of a Bind
Start Lieutenant Bauer
End Lieutenant Bauer
Level 30-60
Category Stormsong Valley
Experience 16,450
Reputation +75 Storm's Wake
Rewards Inv ring 80 04b [Zeth'jir Seacaller Signet]
or Inv belt cloth kultirasquest b 01 [Tidespeaker Belt]
or Inv belt leather kultirasquest b 01 [Darkwater Waistcord]
or Inv belt mail kultirasquest b 01 [Stormchaser Chain]
or Inv belt plate kultirasquest b 01 [Dread Corsair Warbelt]
23g 40s
Previous A [30-60] Trouble at Fort Daelin, A [30-60] Helping Out, Somewhere Else (both optional)
Next A [30-60] The Shifting Tides


Binder Sa'thress

Binder Sa'thress
The leader of the attack on the village. She seems to be a powerful mage.

Slay Binder Sa'thress.


The naga sorceress leading this excursion seems to be in the process of binding a larger elemental. If she succeeds, we will no doubt lose our foothold here.

Strike out at her, perhaps you can catch her off guard and interrupt the ritual. Remove the head from these snakes.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv ring 80 04b [Zeth'jir Seacaller Signet] Inv belt cloth kultirasquest b 01 [Tidespeaker Belt]
Inv belt leather kultirasquest b 01 [Darkwater Waistcord] Inv belt mail kultirasquest b 01 [Stormchaser Chain]
Inv belt plate kultirasquest b 01 [Dread Corsair Warbelt]

You will also receive:


Is the seawitch dead?


I have no idea what this might be, but I don't like the looks of it.


Pick up A [30-60] Freedom for the Sea and A [30-60] A Bit of a Bind and A [30-60] Caught in the Net before heading out.

Kill a path southward, simply killing Bound Seasurges, looting naga for Fishbone Keys to open Naga Cages and free villagers, and finding Binder Sa'thress at the south end of the beach before it turns west.

Defeat her:

Queen Azshara says: Drown these insects, my children. Show yourselves worthy of my pride.


Optional breadcrumb at Brennadam: A [30-60] Trouble at Fort Daelin, and Deadwash: A [30-60] Helping Out, Somewhere Else, and Beacon Hill: A [30-60] Bauer Backup (Can be accepted together and turned in)

  1. A [30-60] Freedom for the Sea & A [30-60] A Bit of a Bind & A [30-60] Caught in the Net
  2. A [30-60] The Shifting Tides
    • Optional side chain:
    1. A [30-60] Eeling in a Big One & A [30-60] Filching from Thieves
    2. A [30-60] You're a Shark
  3. A [30-60] Facing the Invaders & A [30-60] Reclaiming our Defenses
  4. A [30-60] Any Ammo Will Do & A [30-60] Piercing the Shield & A [30-60] Problem Solving with Gunpowder
  5. A [30-60] A Snake with Three Heads & A [30-60] Clearing the Delta
  6. A [30-60] From the Depths

Outbound breadcrumbs: A [30-60] Back to Brennadam, A [30-60] Surveying the Wharf

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