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NeutralA Burden Worth Bearing
A Burden Worth Bearing - intro
The stewards with the gurney and the destroyed praetor
Start Aspirant Thales [32.1, 27.5]VZ-MaldraxxusBlip
End Aspirant Thales [30.1, 24.0]VZ-MaldraxxusBlip
Level 53-60
Category Maldraxxus
Experience 7,200
Rewards 24g 33s 60c
Previous N [53-60] The Ones in Charge
Next N [53-60] Breaking Down Barriers


Lost Kyrian

Lost Kyrian

A Burden Worth Bearing

Koa and Kou carrying the Lost Kyrian

Help Kou and Koa retrieve 6 Lost Kyrian.


Mevix may be here for blood, but what I want is to spare my fallen kin from a terrible fate.

Most of my fellow kyrian were either slain in combat or shortly after arriving here. If their corpses were bound for this pit, then perhaps we can recover them before they are thrown into it.

Take the stewards with you and gather the bodies of my brethren. I will not allow them to be made into monsters.


You will receive:

  • 24g 33s 60c
  • 7,200 XP


Were there any left?


Thank you, <name>. Though they are lost, at least their remains will not be defiled.


On accept, the three stewards join the party. Just to the southeast are some kyrian javelins and a gurney. Interact with the gurney and Koa and Kou will hold it between them while Hipokos stays behind to tinker with a Destroyed Praetor:

Koa says: Hipokos, maybe you can fix one of these praetors!

Look around for the corpses of Lost Kyrian and interact with them to toss them on the gurney. Koa and Kou will react with dismay to the added weight each time a new kyrian is tossed on:

  • Koa says: Oof!
  • Kou says: Heavy!
Koa says: Don't let go, Kou!

The stewards will not follow the player if they head down into the ripening pond, but will catch back up as soon as the player exits the pit. Once enough have been gathered, turn in to Thales:

Aspirant Thales says: Thank you, mortal. They deserved better than this.
Thales casts a spell that causes the kyrian bodies to disappear in a flash of blue light.


  1. N [53-60] Baron of the Chosen
  2. N [53-60] Lead By Example, N [53-60] First Time? You Have to Fight!, and N [53-60] Take the High Ground
  3. N [53-60] Offensive Behavior
  4. N [53-60] Army of One
  5. N [53-60] Archon Save Us
  6. N [53-60] The Ones in Charge
  7. N [53-60] Give Them a Hand, N [53-60] A Burden Worth Bearing, N [53-60] A Deadly Distraction
  8. N [53-60] Breaking Down Barriers
  9. N [53-60] Two of Them, Two of Us
  10. N [53-60] In The Flesh
  11. N [53-60] Front and Center

Beta version[]

Removed from game The subject of this section did not make it out of the beta stages.

Mevix is here to take lives, but sometimes it's more important to save them.

Most of the Ascended were killed immediately upon our arrival in Maldraxxus. I-I don't know what they did with them after that and I don't want to know. But some of them may still be saved. We can't just leave them here!

Take Kou and Koa with you, find my brethren, please have the two bring them back to me. I-I'll figure out some way to save them from this.


The smallest of spark of hope remains. You have done well.

Patch changes[]

External links[]
