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For other versions, see A Call to Maldraxxus.
KyrianA Call to Maldraxxus
Start Polemarch Adrestes
End Polemarch Adrestes
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Type Calling Quest
Category Kyrian Callings
Reputation +1,500 The Undying Army
Rewards Item maldraxxus paragonchest 03 [Tribute of the Ambitious]
Inv misc covenant renown [Emblem of Renown]
35x Pvecurrency-valor [Valor]


Defend Maldraxxus by completing Daily Quests and World Quests, looting treasures, and slaying rare creatures. You may also defeat powerful foes in the Plaguefall and Theater of Pain dungeons.


The forces of Maldraxxus have long defended the Shadowlands from threats outside of our lands.

Now, they face their greatest threats from within. The balance of power between the houses is broken. It has led them to assault us, and others.

Their problems are many, our solutions are just.

Travel to Maldraxxus and slay those that would do the Shadowlands harm, providing shelter to your allies when you find them.


You will receive:

You will receive:
Item maldraxxus paragonchest 03 [Tribute of the Ambitious] Inv misc covenant renown [Emblem of Renown]
Pvecurrency-valor 35x [Valor]


Have you restored the balance of power?


With the houses of betrayal brought to their knees, you have brought us one step closer to peace. The Archon thanks you for your service to the Shadowlands.

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