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For other versions, see A Call to Maldraxxus.
Night FaeA Call to Maldraxxus
Start Featherlight
End Featherlight
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Type Calling Quest
Category Night Fae Callings
Reputation +1,500 The Undying Army
Rewards Item maldraxxus paragonchest 03 [Tribute of the Ambitious]
Inv misc covenant renown [Emblem of Renown]
35x Pvecurrency-valor [Valor]


Defend Maldraxxus by completing Daily Quests and World Quests, looting treasures, and slaying rare creatures. You may also defeat powerful foes in the Plaguefall and Theater of Pain dungeons.


I'm glad you're here! We've got some problems in Maldraxxus.

The forces of Maldraxxus are the defenders of the Shadowlands. They've always managed to balance one another out, like actors on a stage, never stealing too much of the spotlight.

But now, some of the houses have overthrown the balance, and seek to conquer the rest of us!

Our allies there need our help! Aid them however you can.


You will receive:

You will receive:
Item maldraxxus paragonchest 03 [Tribute of the Ambitious] Inv misc covenant renown [Emblem of Renown]
Pvecurrency-valor 35x [Valor]


Are things improving in Maldraxxus?


The houses of Maldraxxus are once again in balance, and not a threat to us... for now at least.

You did great!

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