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This article is about the Dragonblight quest. For the removed Swamp of Sorrows quest, see H [50] Fall From Grace.
HordeA Fall From Grace
Start Agent Skully
End Agent Skully
Level 15-30
Category Dragonblight
Experience 20500
Reputation +250 Hand of Vengeance
Rewards 5g 30s
Previous H [15-30] The Perfect Dissemblance
Next H [15-30] The Truth Will Out


Agent Skully at New Hearthglen has asked you to ring the bell in the abbey and then go speak with the high abbot and get information out of him.


We need more information from the high abbot, and now that we have the visage of one of the raven priests, I think we can get you close to talk with him.

Unfortunately, we need to separate him from his bodyguards or you'll never get any information out of him.

<The agent leans on her shovel and thinks a moment.>

I think I've got it! While in disguise, go to the top of the abbey and ring the bell. That should bring the abbot's bodyguards running and you can then head down to speak with him.


You will receive:


What did you find out? Have you even talked with him yet?


What the hell is going on here?!

He jumped on his own? You're certain that you didn't push him?

<The agent narrows her eyes at you.>

Fine. Clearly there's much more going on in this place than we first thought.


On accept, the player is given a disguise buff that turns most Onslaught mobs (except Grand Admiral Westwind) friendly:

Spell shadow nethercloak Scarlet Raven Priest Image — Certain to fool the Scarlet Onslaught. Must stay within New Hearthglen or the image will be lost!

If the player loses the disguise, they can speak to Skully again:

Keep your voice down, <class>. I'm in disguise and spying for Venomspite.
Gossip Agent Skully, I need you to use the banshee's magic mirror on me again!
Fine, but be more careful with it this time!

Landgren is inside the abbey with his two Devout Bodyguards. Players can talk to him, but while the bodyguards are present he'll simply say:

Yes, my <son/daughter>?

Head to the top of the abbey and interact with the Abbey Bell Rope. This upsets a nearby Onslaught Raven Priest:

Onslaught Raven Priest says: Gah! What are you doing?

The bell causes the bodyguards to leave Landgren's side and walk up to the tower, during which time the player has the chance to speak to the abbot. When the bodyguards reach the top of the tower:

Devout Bodyguard says: Hey, who rang the bell?
The bodyguard grunts.

After a few seconds, they despawn and reappear next to Landgren on the ground floor. If the player hasn't finished speaking to Landgren in time, they can ring the rope again to repeat the event.

Landgren's dialogue:

Yes, my <son/daughter>?
Gossip Your eminence, may I have a word in private?
<The high abbot studies you a moment and then smiles.>
Very well, I know a place, child. You just kiss my ring and let me know when you are ready.
Gossip I am ready, your grace. <kiss the ring>
Then meet me at the entrance to the abbey. I'll be along in short order.
A Fall From Grace

Landgren jumping off the cliff.

Return the front of the abbey, where Landgren spawns:

High Abbot Landgren says: I know a place nearby where we can speak in private, my child. Follow me.
He runs out of the town and stops on the edge of a cliff on the path down to Crusader's Landing, then turns around to face the player.
High Abbot Landgren says: Did you think that I could not see through your flimsy disguise, <name>?
High Abbot Landgren says: There is much that you do not understand, <race>. The Master sees all.
High Abbot Landgren says: He told me that you would come for me. I won't die by your hand, though. I have seen what you have done to my compatriots.
High Abbot Landgren says: No. I will leave this world in a manner of my own choosing. And I will return, the grand admiral's will permitting!
Landgren jumps off the cliff.
High Abbot Landgren says: AAAEEEEIIIiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii........................................

Return to Skully to turn in.


  1. H [15-30] Need to Know
  2. H [15-30] The Spy in New Hearthglen
  3. H [15-30] Without a Prayer
  4. H [15-30] The Perfect Dissemblance
  5. H [15-30] A Fall From Grace
  6. H [15-30] The Truth Will Out
  7. H [15-30] Do Unto Others

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