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AllianceA Job for the Multi-Bot
Start Engineer Grindspark [34.3, 34.7]VZ-Dun MoroghBlip
End Engineer Grindspark [34.3, 34.7]VZ-Dun MoroghBlip
Level 1-30 (Requires 1)
Category Chill Breeze Valley
Race IconSmall Gnome MaleIconSmall Gnome Female Gnome
Experience 170
Reputation +250 Gnomeregan
Rewards 35c (or 90c at max level)
Previous A IconSmall Gnome MaleIconSmall Gnome Female [1-30] Scrounging for Parts
Next A IconSmall Gnome MaleIconSmall Gnome Female [1-30] What's Keeping Kharmarn?


Use the GS-9x Multi-Bot to clean up 5 Toxic Geysers at the Toxic Airfield. When you get close enough to a geyser, your GS-9x Multi-Bot will automatically begin its task.

  • Clean up Toxic Geysers x5


GS-9x Multi-Bot

You will have a Multi-Bot as your companion for this quest.

If the multi-bot works, it will help us do all kinds of jobs that are unpleasant or dangerous for us gnomes!

After Thermaplugg detonated his irradiator at the end of Operation: Gnomeregan, toxic clouds and ooze begin bubbling up at the old airfield south of town.

If we don't get it under control, the contamination could spread to the rest of our lands. Take the multi-bot with you, and bring it close to the geysers in the green pools at the Toxic Airfield. Your bot should spring into action!


You will receive: 35c (or 90c at max level)


How did the multi-bot perform?


Wow, I never expected it to work on the first trial!

Um, I mean, we've succeeded! I wonder what other uses we can find for this handy little guy.


GS9x cleanup

Lead the way and the Multi-Bot will do its job.

Pick up A IconSmall Gnome MaleIconSmall Gnome Female [1-30] What's Left Behind from Tock Sprysprocket just to the northwest before heading out. Also, just to the south of the building with the warlock trainer is A IconSmall Gnome MaleIconSmall Gnome Female [1-30] Dealing with the Fallout from Corporal Fizzwhistle. Simply run by the green pools of slime and the bot will do its thing.

GS-9x Multi-Bot says: Initiating cleanup ... ...

The direct followup to these three quests is A IconSmall Gnome MaleIconSmall Gnome Female [1-30] What's Keeping Kharmarn? from Captain Tread Sparknozzle. However, after completing this round of quests, players should have reached level three. Class trainers now offer their first quest, so check in before heading down to the Frostmane Hold.


  1. A IconSmall Gnome MaleIconSmall Gnome Female [1-30] Pinned Down
  2. A IconSmall Gnome MaleIconSmall Gnome Female [1-30] Report to Carvo Blastbolt
  3. A IconSmall Gnome MaleIconSmall Gnome Female [1-30] See to the Survivors
  4. A IconSmall Gnome MaleIconSmall Gnome Female [1-30] Withdraw to the Loading Room!
  5. A IconSmall Gnome MaleIconSmall Gnome Female [1-30] Decontamination
  6. A IconSmall Gnome MaleIconSmall Gnome Female [1-30] To the Surface
  7. A IconSmall Gnome MaleIconSmall Gnome Female [1-30] The Future of Gnomeregan
  8. A IconSmall Gnome MaleIconSmall Gnome Female [1-30] Meet the High Tinker
  9. A IconSmall Gnome MaleIconSmall Gnome Female [1-30] The Fight Continues
  10. A IconSmall Gnome MaleIconSmall Gnome Female [1-30] A Triumph of Gnomish Ingenuity
  11. A IconSmall Gnome MaleIconSmall Gnome Female [1-30] Scrounging for Parts
  12. A IconSmall Gnome MaleIconSmall Gnome Female [1-30] A Job for the Multi-Bot & A IconSmall Gnome MaleIconSmall Gnome Female [1-30] What's Left Behind & A IconSmall Gnome MaleIconSmall Gnome Female [1-30] Dealing with the Fallout
  13. A IconSmall Gnome MaleIconSmall Gnome Female [1-30] What's Keeping Kharmarn?
  14. A IconSmall Gnome MaleIconSmall Gnome Female [1-30] Get Me Explosives Back! & A IconSmall Gnome MaleIconSmall Gnome Female [1-30] Missing in Action
  15. A IconSmall Gnome MaleIconSmall Gnome Female [1-30] Finishin' the Job
  16. A IconSmall Gnome MaleIconSmall Gnome Female [1-30] One More Thing
  17. A IconSmall Gnome MaleIconSmall Gnome Female [1-30] Crushcog's Minions & A IconSmall Gnome MaleIconSmall Gnome Female [1-30] No Tanks!
  18. A IconSmall Gnome MaleIconSmall Gnome Female [1-30] Staging in Brewnall
  19. A IconSmall Gnome MaleIconSmall Gnome Female [1-30] Paint it Black
  20. A IconSmall Gnome MaleIconSmall Gnome Female [1-30] Down with Crushcog!
  21. A IconSmall Gnome MaleIconSmall Gnome Female [1-30] On to Kharanos

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