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HordeA Line in the Dirt
Start Kirge Sternhorn
End Kirge Sternhorn
Level 10-30
Category Southern Barrens
Experience 1,400
Reputation +250 Thunder Bluff
Rewards Inv shield 14 [Sternhorn's Shield]
or Inv pants leather 39v3 [Taurajo Leggings]
or Inv chest cloth 86v4 [Robes of the Bloody Field]
or Inv pants leather 39v3 [Taurajo Greaves]
Previous H [10-30] A Family Divided
For the Alliance version of this quest, see A [10-30] A Line in the Dirt.


Capture a neutral hill in the Fields of Blood and defend it against an Alliance counterattack.

  • Point Captured
  • Point Defended


The Alliance scorches a trail of murder across the Barrens. We must stop them here or there is nothing left for us.

Across the Fields of Blood there are a number of strategic hills, marked by wooden towers and neutral gray banners. We must take and hold these hills if we hope to slow the Alliance advance!

Look for the towers to the north, east, and south of what's left of Taurajo. Claim a neutral flag and defend the hill against counterattack!


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv shield 14 [Sternhorn's Shield] Inv pants leather 39v3 [Taurajo Leggings]
Inv chest cloth 86v4 [Robes of the Bloody Field] Inv pants leather 39v3 [Taurajo Greaves]

You will also receive:


Is the Alliance putting up a fight? How goes the battle for the Barrens?


So you held your ground! With tenacity like yours we may yet drive the Alliance from our lands.


Upon clicking a Field Banner, creating Horde Field Banner and receiving the buff Defending the Point, four Horde Field Defenders appear and start constructing Horde Field Barricade Walls.

Defend the hill!

A group of Northwatch Recons attack. Kill them before they finish their Recapturing.

Success! The hill is yours!
Defeat! The defenders couldn't hold the hill.


  1. H [10-30] A Family Divided (from Camp Una'fe) or H [10-30] Winnoa Pineforest (from the Overgrowth)
  2. H [10-30] A Line in the Dirt
  3. H [10-30] Siegebreaker
  4. H [10-30] Honoring the Dead and H [10-30] Taking Back Taurajo
  5. H [10-30] Desolation Hold Inspection (to Desolation Hold)

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