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For other uses, see A New Beginning (disambiguation).
Achievement leader cairne bloodhoof
  • 10 Achievement points
  • A New Beginning
  • Complete the Old Hatreds questline in the Ohn'ahran Plains.
  • Criteria:

    N [70] A Final Word

A New Beginning is awarded to players who complete the "Old Hatreds" questline, part of the Ohn'ahran Plains storyline. The chain begins with N [70] A Debt That Must Be Paid in Valdrakken.

  1. N [70] A Debt That Must Be Paid
  2. N [70] Scars from the Past
  3. N [70] A Tomul-tuous Beginning
  4. N [70] The Search for Bovan Windtotem & N [70] Resupplying Supplies
  5. N [70] A Place of Refuge
  6. N [70] Delivering Bad News
  7. N [70] Pinewood Trail
  8. N [70] Joint Rescue Operation & N [70] A Proper Shikaar Send-Off
  9. N [70] Bovan's Last Hope
  10. N [70] Optimistic Mystic
  11. N [70] What Words Are Worth
  12. N [70] Desperate Rescue
  13. N [70] Saving Bovan Windtotem
  14. N [70] See Red
  15. N [70] Old Hatreds
  16. N [70] Case Closed
  17. N [70] Letting Go
  18. N [70] A Final Word

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