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NeutralA Scale for a Scale
Start Sabellian
End Sabellian [29.6, 49.7]VZ-Zaralek CavernBlip
Level 70 (Requires 70)
Category Embers of Neltharion
Experience 9,500
Reputation +130 Valdrakken Accord
+500 Sabellian
Rewards 10x Flightstone-dragonflight [Flightstones]
28g 9s
Previous N [70] Shut Them Down, N [70] Alliance of Convenience
Next N [70] From Hell's Heart
Zaqali Dragonslayer's Spear

Zaqali Dragonslayer's Spear


Collect a Zaqali Dragonslayer's Spear for Sabellian.


The elder waking was a threat, certainly. But there is one more mission I must complete before we depart, lest we lose our only chance to complete it at all.

However different the Zaqali tribe may be from the Qalashi, they are still dragonslayers. Their implements of war are no less deadly to our kind.

I need a spear on par with the one we saw at the elder's side. Find the largest one you can and deliver it to me.


You will receive:


Djaradin weapons are vile creations, but they were created for one task and one task alone.


This is the only way forward.


The spear in question is in the center of camp, leaning up against a rock near the war drum. Pick it up:

Sabellian says: This may look primitive and barbaric, but this is a finely crafted instrument of war.
Ebyssian says: The mere sight of it fills me with dread.
Sabellian says: Understandable. This is a weapon with one purpose: dragon slaying.

Head to the overlook to the north:

Sabellian says: Now all our preparation and pain will come to fruition. We have the weapon. We have the opportunity. We must not waste it.
Ebyssian says: Is this said as the general who protected our flight in Outland? Or as a defeated warrior looking for revenge?
Sabellian says: They are one in the same. Revenge does wonders in focusing the mind. That is how I protected our people in Outland.


  1. N [70] Where There's Smoke, There's Fire
  2. N [70] Sight Beyond Sight
  3. N [70] Legends of the Zaqali & N [70] Know Thy Enemy
  4. N [70] Take Out the Head
  5. N [70] Consequences
  6. N [70] Battlefield Triage
  7. N [70] Rushing Quality
  8. N [70] Shut Them Down & N [70] Alliance of Convenience
  9. N [70] A Scale for a Scale
  10. N [70] From Hell's Heart
  11. N [70] No Dragon Left Behind
  12. N [70] Raked Over the Coals
  13. N [70] The Endless Burning Sky
  14. N [70] In the Wake of the Ashes

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