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KyrianA Touch of Humility
Start Polemarch Adrestes [55.6, 42.0]VZ-Elysian HoldBlip
End Polemarch Adrestes [55.6, 42.0]VZ-Elysian HoldBlip
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Kyrian Campaign
Experience 950
Rewards 12g 87s
Previous N [60] Time to Reflect
Next N [60] Convene the Paragons


Witness the Crest of Ascension become empowered by the Temple of Humility.


With the Temple of Humility under our control, its power shall flow back into the Crest of Ascension once more.

Join me below so that we may witness it together. Mikanikos has ensured it will become even more magnificent as its power grows.


You will receive:


I am glad to be surrounded by such dedicated champions of our cause.


The Archon shall convene the Paragons to discuss our next moves. Go in service.


On accept, Adrestes flies down to the Crest. Meet him near it and speak with him again.

Whenever you are ready, Maw Walker.
Gossip I am ready.

A cutscene plays, showing the Crest gain a little power.

This concludes the "Closing In" chapter of the Ui sigil kyrian [Kyrian Campaign]. The storyline concludes with "The Bell Tolls", starting with N [60] Convene the Paragons.


  1. N [60] On Lysonia's Trail
  2. N [60] Aerial Reconnaissance
  3. N [60] Sacred Scrolls of Humility, N [60] Succumbing to Pride, N [60] Compassion, Blade of Humility
  4. N [60] Distorted by the Maw, N [60] Fallen to Their Vices
  5. N [60] Lysonia's Plan
  6. N [60] The Power of the Maw
  7. N [60] A Step Too Far, N [60] Kyrian No More
  8. N [60] Her Will, Inflicted
  9. N [60] Time to Reflect
  10. N [60] A Touch of Humility

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