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HordeA Well Placed Portal
Start Nathanos Blightcaller
End Thomas Zelling
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Horde War Campaign
Experience 1,800
Rewards 2g 34s
Previous H [60] Old Colleagues & H [60] The Bulk of the Guard
Next H [60] Relics of Ritual, H [60] Forfeit Souls, H [60] Tidesage Teachings


Use the Portal to Boralus and meet with Thomas Zelling in Stormsong Monastery.

  • Portal to Boralus taken


We have the front here under control. I am sending you and Zelling into Boralus to acquire the Abyssal Scepter.

Oculeth has managed to pinpoint a safe location for a portal. Get moving.


You will receive:

  • 2g 34s
  • 1,800 XP


Never did I think I would be undercover here. Or, truly, anywhere.


I once studied here. And now...

<Zelling clears his throat.>

We have a job to do.


On accept
Nathanos Blightcaller says: Zelling, accompany <name> to Boralus. Oculeth awaits with a portal.
Thomas Zelling says: As you wish, Nathanos.
Lilian Voss says: Remember, you will arrive deep in Boralus. Be on high alert.
Zellings goes to the portal.
Approaching the portal
Chief Telemancer Oculeth says: Calculating the correct location to place this portal in Boralus was not easy, but it was a welcome challenge! Do tell me how it goes, will you?
In Stormsong Monastery
Thomas Zelling says: Be on your toes, <name>. This is no ordinary basement -- we are quite deep in Boralus.


  1. H [60] Operation: Hook and Line
  2. H [60] When a Plan Comes Together
  3. H [60] Old Colleagues & H [60] The Bulk of the Guard
  4. H [60] A Well Placed Portal
  5. H [60] Relics of Ritual, H [60] Forfeit Souls, H [60] Tidesage Teachings
  6. H [60] Gaining the Upper Hand
  7. H [60] Return to the Harbor
  8. H [60] Life Held Hostage
  9. H [60] The Aid of the Tides
  10. H [60] Champion: Lilian Voss & H [60] A Cycle of Hatred

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