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NeutralAbandoned Siege Engine
Image of Abandoned Siege Engine
Race Siege vehicle (Mechanical)
Level 30-35
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) attacking faction
Location Tol Barad battleground (During an assault only)
Vehicle This Vehicle can be mounted.

The Abandoned Siege Engine can be mounted by any member of the attacking force in a Tol Barad battle once the member has earned credit for at least one honorable kill. They are found outside the three outer cellblocks.

In Tol Barad are three spires: East Spire, South Spire, and West Spire. The battle time is extended by 5 minutes for each spire destroyed. An attacking player drives an abandoned siege engine near to a spire and uses the Deploy Siege Mode ability. The siege engine then attacks the spire until it or the spire is destroyed. They are not for attacking players or capturing points.


Aside from the standard mechanical vehicle interface, you have access to two controls:

  • 1 - Ability vehicle powertowheels Overdrive — Increases vehicle's movement speed by 50% for 6 sec. instant (30 sec cooldown)
  • 3 - Ability vehicle siegeenginecannon Deploy Siege Mode — Deploy the vehicle's siege cannon to automatically attack a nearby Spire. 1.8 sec cast

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