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Night FaeAcid Reflux
Start Huln Highmountain [35.3, 51.2]VZ-ArdenwealdBlip
End Reldorn [35.3, 51.1]VZ-ArdenwealdBlip
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Night Fae Campaign
Experience 9,450
Rewards 25g 74s
Previous N [60] Monster Hunting
Next N [60] Becoming the Hunt


Use the Gormherd Branch on gorm in Gormhive to retrieve 50 Bulging Digestive Sacs.


We will need to be properly prepared before we can face Voras.

The digestive juices of Ardenweald's gorm dissipate the anima in their food. Ingesting them causes devourers no small discomfort.

For a beast of that size, we will need a lot of it to have any effect. There should be plenty of gorm in the hive to the east.

Long ago, an artisan gave me a tool that he said would be useful against the gorm, should I ever need it. You may borrow it.


You will receive:

  • 25g 74s
  • 9,450 XP


We will need those digestive sacs if we are to disrupt the worldeater enough to slay it, <name>.


<Reldorn hefts the sacs, which bulge uncomfortably.>

So many? Just how big is this thing you two are hunting, anyway?


On accept of both:

Huln Highmountain says: Gather what we need from the gorm. Then we will end the Realm Eater.

As the quest suggests, consider the flight path from Tishereenelee to Claw's Edge, as it's a quick run from there to the Gormhive in the south.

Interact with the Expended Wildseeds for their Inv inscription pigment emerald [Life-Hardened Anima] and use the bonus ability, Pacify Gorm, on the mature (hostile) gorm in the area. It will explode into a handful of Gorm Giblets on the ground, each of which will contain a Inv misc organ 10 [Bulging Digestive Sac].

On return, Huln has left:

Reldorn says: Welcome back! Did you find what you need?


  1. N [60] Containing the Night
  2. N [60] Tracker Tracking
  3. N [60] Home of the Tirnenn
  4. N [60] Dressing the Kill
  5. N [60] Monster Hunting
  6. N [60] Acid Reflux & N [60] Anima Instincts
  7. N [60] Becoming the Hunt
  8. N [60] Voras, The Realm Eater
  9. N [60] Tracking the Shadows

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