- 5
- Adventurer of Thaldraszus
- Complete 10 of the following special encounters in Thaldraszus.
- Criteria:
- Razk'vex the Untamed
- Blightpaw the Depraved
- Goremaul the Gluttonous
- Matriarch Remalla
- Tempestrian
- Eldoren the Reborn
- Broodweaver Araznae
- Rokmur
- The Weeping Vilomah
- The Great Shellkhan
- Lord Epochbrgl
- Innumerable Ruination
- Pleasant Alpha
- Phenran
- Phleep
- Treasure-Mad Trambladd
- Riverwalker Tamopo
- Sandana the Tempest
- Woolfang
- Craggravated Elemental
- Corrupted Proto-Dragon
- Ancient Protector
Adventurer of Thaldraszus is an exploration achievement earned by completing 10 of the special encounters in Thaldraszus.
Patch changes[]
Patch 10.0.0 (2022-10-25): Added.