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For the Necrolord quest, see N [60] Aerial Advantage.
KyrianAerial Advantage
Start Emeni [28.1, 37.5]VZ-MaldraxxusBlip
End Emeni [28.1, 37.5]VZ-MaldraxxusBlip
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Kyrian Campaign
Experience 9,450
Rewards 25g 74s
Previous N [60] Trouble on the Western Front
Next N [60] Power of the Chosen


Grapple 6 Battlesewn Rocs out of the sky.


Kyrian Gharmal's rocs dominate the skies above, striking at our forces as we advance. The Zerekriss can't get into position until they are cleared out!

I would take care of them myself, but I'm not much of a flier. Don't have the balance for it!

Take my riding hook and latch onto a roc. Once you're riding, just start hitting it 'til the job is done.


You will receive:

  • 25g 74s
  • 9,450 XP


Teach 'em a lesson!


I could hear their cries from here. Nice work!


Emeni has two Battlesewn Rocs chained. Use the provided Ability rogue grapplinghook [Riding Hook] to hop on to one. The roc provides three abilities:

  1. Ability rogue grapplinghook Riding Hook 60 yd range — Use chain and hook, to leap to nearby Battlesewn Roc. Instant (3 sec cooldown)
  2. Inv misc desecrated leatherglove Wrangle Roc 20 yd range — Pull riding hook tight around Roc's beak, striking fear into it. Instant (3 sec cooldown)
  3. Ability kick Spur Roc 20 yd range — Kick Roc in the flank, striking fear into it. Instant (3 sec cooldown)

Use the Wrangle and Spur abilities six times until the roc starts panicking, then use the hook while in range of another roc to jump to it. Players have ~15 seconds after the roc panics before it falls out of the sky.

After killing the requisite amount, use the exit vehicle button while riding another roc to safely return to the ground.


  1. N [60] An Expected Visitor
  2. N [60] A Perilous Journey
  3. N [60] Stronger Together
  4. N [60] Fight and Flight
  5. N [60] Justice from Above, N [60] The Butchers of Bastion, N [60] Dark Developments
  6. N [60] An Early End, N [60] Burn Before Reading, N [60] Descended
  7. N [60] Trouble on the Western Front
  8. N [60] Charging The Blade, N [60] Grave Intent, N [60] Aerial Advantage
  9. N [60] Power of the Chosen
  10. N [60] The End is Now
  11. N [60] Pursuit of Justice
  12. N [60] Take Heart
  13. N [60] Return to the Hold
  14. N [60] Crest of Greatness

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