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Image of Aerylia
Title <Stormflight Master>
Gender Female
Race Val'kyr (Humanoid)
Level 100
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Valkyra
Location Skyhold, Halls of Valor[58.6, 25.6]VZ-SkyholdBlip
Helheim (warrior questing) [34.6, 28.8]VZ-HelheimBlip
Status Alive

Aerylia is a prominent val'kyr of the Valarjar who aided the Battlelord during their campaign on the Broken Isles. Within Skyhold, she acts as a transportation guide for warriors using Stormflight, and is able to send individuals to various locations. Outside of this role, she has also acted as an agent of Odyn in the field, traveling on his request with the Battlelord to Helheim in order to recover Helya's Horn.[1]


Objective of[]


  • Battlelord, what a strange structure you are on! I can now send you directly to Highmountain from Skyhold whenever you choose!
  • I can see a lot of potential in the surrounding area! I can now transport you to Suramar from Skyhold, Battlelord.
  • I think you will spend quite a bit of time at Valdisdall, Battlelord. I can now transport you directly there from Skyhold.
  • There's a small path through the trees here! I can now transport you to Val'sharah from Skyhold, Battlelord.
  • This area is well protected by the blue dragons. I can now transport you to Azsuna from Skyhold, Battlelord.
  • Let me help you get where you want to go. As you travel through the Broken Isles I will be able to get new destinations from you as well! Keep Exploring.
    • Gossip Uldaur's under attack. Send me and any forces that are ready to their aid! (during N Warrior [45] Ulduar's Oath)
    • Gossip Dalaran
    • Gossip Stormheim
    • Gossip Azsuna
    • Gossip Val'sharah
    • Gossip Highmountain
    • Gossip Suramar

Patch changes[]


  1. ^ N Warrior [45] Recruitment Drive

External links[]
