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MobAether Ray
Image of Aether Ray
Race Nether ray (Beast)
Level 20-30
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Vortex Pinnacle and Crystal Spine, Blade's Edge Mountains

Aether Rays are a type of level 70-71 nether ray found in the Blade's Edge Mountains within Outland. They are tan and pink in color with green, glowing eyes. They are found flying high and low around the Vortex Pinnacle and Crystal Spine areas in the Blade's Edge Mountains.

As a quest objective[]

Aether Rays are wrangled as a quest objective for the daily quests N [20-30] Wrangle Some Aether Rays! and N [20-30 Daily] Wrangle More Aether Rays! given by Skyguard Khatie.

To successfully wrangle these, you must damage the Aether Ray down to about 20% of its health and an emote saying the Aether Ray is ready to be wrangled will appear, meaning you can now use the supplied quest item Inv misc noose 01 [Wrangling Rope] to capture one.

Patch changes[]

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