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Image of Aithlyn
Title <Wild Hunt Quartermaster>
Gender Female
Race Sylvar (Humanoid)
Level 50-60
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Wild Hunt
Location Heart of the Forest, Ardenweald [48.5, 50.5]VZ-ArdenwealdBlip / [59.5, 31.9]VZ-Heart of the ForestBlip
Status Alive

Aithlyn is a sylvar located at the Heart of the Forest in Ardenweald.


<Wild Hunt Quartermaster>
Rep Item Cost Type
Friendly Ability ardenweald mage [Floofa] 250 Polished Pet Charm Companion pet
Honored Ability mount cranemount [Crane Soul] 1,500 Reservoir Anima Ability nightfae flicker [Soulshape] appearance
Inv cape cloth oribosquesting b 01 [Glitterwing Scarf] 231g 88s Back
70 professions scroll 02 [Formula: Sacred Shard] 1,350g Enchanting Formula
70 professions scroll 02 [Pattern: Heavy Desolate Armor Kit] 1,350g Leatherworking Pattern
Revered Inv cape special ardenweald d 03 [Faewoven Pack] 3,500 Reservoir Anima Cosmetic Back
Inv boot cloth oribosquesting b 01 [Gamekeeper's Slippers] 227g 61s 34c Cloth Feet
Inv boot oribosquesting b 01 [Gametender's Bramblewards] 229g 26s 47c Leather Feet
Inv mail oribosquesting b 01 boots [Gametender's Wading Boots] 228g 43s 90c Mail Feet
Inv boot plate oribosquesting b 01 [Gametender's Muckstompers] 226g 78s 77c Plate Feet
Inv elemental spiritofharmony 2 [Memory of Eonar] 1,100g Runecarver memory
70 professions scroll 02 [Recipe: Eternal Cauldron] 1,765g Alchemy Recipe
70 professions scroll 02 [Technique: Contract: The Wild Hunt] 1,765g Inscription Technique
Exalted Inv pant cloth oribosquesting b 01 [Cycle-Tender's Pantaloons] 311g 90s 21c Cloth Legs
Inv pant oribosquesting b 01 [Tree-Scaler's Britches] 314g 13s 27c Leather Legs
Inv mail oribosquesting b 01 pants [Gormscale Leggings] 313g 1s 74c Mail Legs
Inv pant plate oribosquesting b 01 [Amber-Plated Legguards] 310g 78s 68c Plate Legs
Inv mothardenwealdmount dark [Duskflutter Ardenmoth] 30,000g Mount
Inv misc sigil ardenweald01 [Illusion: Hunt's Favor] 1,250g Illusion
Inv tabard ardenweald d 01 [Tabard of the Wild Hunt] 250g Tabard



Main article: Silk Shortage#Notes
Main article: Silk for Ardenweald#Notes

The forest provides.

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