We are born from the flesh of Kros. We were fashioned from his meat, his bones. He is our creator.
Kroshik is the blood of Kros. He watches over us. He is our connection to Kros. He has the strength of Kros, yet he walks on our world.
When the time comes, Kroshik will die, and we will take his strength. Then, the cycle will start again.
Kros, our creator, will not save the weak. The souls of the weak will exist in eternal fear, always fleeing from the teeth and claws of Kros and his followers.
If you are strong, Kros will allow you to hunt. Your eternity will be spent chasing the weak, eating their flesh, and becoming ever stronger.
Be strong, saurok.
Strength always to the Skumblade. Strength always to you, saurok.
The mogu lie to our people. They tell us that we are their creation, that they twisted our flesh into its current form. They claim we owe our existence to them.
I DEFY the mogu! They have no power over us! They do not know what we see, how we live, what we feel! They cannot see into our souls!
Only Kros, our great creator, knows what is in our soul. Kros knows, and Kros understands. Kros gave you your strength, saurok. No mogu owns you.
Kroshik has a body of meat and bone, but he carries with him the spirit of Kros.
One day, Kroshik's hunt will end. But Kros's hunt goes on forever.
When Kroshik is being sacrificed:
Eat the flesh of Kroshik, and be cleansed of weakness! Let the spirit of Kros pass through your body!