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NeutralAll The Way Up
All The Way Up
Kor'vas watching the duel
Start Allari the Souleater
End Kor'vas Bloodthorn
Level 8-45
Category Demon hunter
Experience 3,800
Previous N Demon hunter [8-45] Frozen in Time
N Demon hunter [8-45] Beam Me Up
N Demon hunter [8-45] Forged in Fire
Next N Demon hunter [8-45] A New Direction


Ride the elevator to the Hall of Judgment.[sic]

  • Ascend to the Hall of Judgment


Kor'vas went ahead to meet up with Kayn and Altruis.

Step onto the elevator when it arrives, and meet them in the Hall of Judgment above.



This is serious. Their core ideals are in direct conflict.

I fear they will take this duel to the death.


All The Way Up - Altruis vs Kayn

Altruis vs Kayn

On accept
Allari the Souleater says: The elevator will be here shortly. The others are waiting for you above.

Head to the center of the Demon Ward and step onto the elevator platform when it arrives. The elevator will take you up to the Warden's Court, where Bastillax's voice will once more be heard:

Bastillax says: Your allies have fallen. My army will crush you before you can see the light of day!

Head south into the main part of the court, where Altruis and Kayn have engaged in a duel while Kor'vas watches from nearby.

Kor'vas Bloodthorn says: Stop this foolish bickering. We do not have time for this!
Kayn Sunfury says: Lord Illidan taught us to fight and to persevere. Together, we destroyed countless demons. YOU chose the coward's path.
Altruis the Sufferer says: I could only trust my own sight, brother. Lord Illidan was becoming no better than our enemy.
Kayn Sunfury says: You killed our own people! You spit in the face of our sacrifices!

Talk to Kor'vas to turn in.


  1. N Demon hunter [8-45] Breaking Out
  2. Complete both:
  3. N Demon hunter [8-45] Stop Gul'dan!
  4. N Demon hunter [8-45] Grand Theft Felbat
  5. Complete all of:
  6. N Demon hunter [8-45] All The Way Up
  7. N Demon hunter [8-45] A New Direction
  8. N Demon hunter [8-45] Between Us and Freedom
  9. N Demon hunter [8-45] Illidari, We Are Leaving

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