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NeutralAllegiance to One
Level 70 (Requires 70)
Type Elite World Quest
Category The Waking Shores
Experience 11,900
Reputation +40 Valdrakken Accord
Next N [70WQ] Keys of Loyalty
Allegiance to One - Sabellian and Wrathion

Sabellian and Wrathion

Allegiance to One is a weekly elite world quest at the Obsidian Throne in western Waking Shores.



One of the following from each:

  • Wrathion says: My friend, our history together is illustrious. Surely you'll lend me your support here at the citadel?
  • Wrathion says: As a good friend, and the loyal supporter I know youare. I call upon your help at this time.
  • Wrathion says: Though I have been perhaps... difficult at times, we've always worked together. I am sure you will continue to support my efforts, for the betterment of Azeroth.
  • Sabellian says: I bring the future generation of a new, uncorrupted black dragonflight. Surely you'll aid us in our efforts to settle here on Azeroth.
  • Sabellian says: I believe our goals to be aligned friend. I would be honored to have your continued support in our efforts to secure the citadel.
  • Sabellian says: Djaradin continue to threaten our position here. The black dragonflight welcomes your help in repelling these attackers.


You will receive:


Wrathion chosen[]

Wrathion says: I knew you would choose me. I shall await your delivery of a key below!
Sabellian says: Bring me a key as well, <name>. Together we shall restore the black dragon flight to glory.

Sabellian chosen[]

Wrathion says: ...
Sabellian says: I do not ask for a key, <name>... but I accept your support in any way possible.


To actually select one of the characters, speak to them at the Obsidian Throne:

I would appreciate your support. Will you swear allegiance to me and help me secure the citadel and a safe future for all dragons?
Gossip I swear to support your current efforts.
<Name>. For many years, we have worked together, and achieved what many thought impossible. We fought to protect this world and safeguard its future.
We have overcome the mightiest of foes, time and again. You have been an invaluable ally... and friend.
I need your allegiance now more than ever. In return, I promise you will share in the reward.
Gossip I swear to support your current efforts.

Speaking with either one of them pulls up the selection interface:

Allegiance to One

The selection UI

Who will you swear allegiance to for the week.

Sabellian's return from Outland marked the return of a new generation of black dragons. He is determined to see his flight return to its former splendor... minus the corruption that tainted it.
To Sabellian, leading the black dragonflight is his duty. He will see that duty carried out, and his flight protected.
From the moment of his birth, Wrathion was determined to clear the black dragonflight of its corruption. Once he succeeded, his attention turned to the world of Azeroth and its protection.
To Wrathion, leading the black dragonflight isn't just his birthright... it is his destiny.

On completion, the N [70WQ] Keys of Loyalty weekly world quest immediately starts, asking players to deliver a Inv blacksmithing skeletonkey [Greater Obsidian Key] to the chosen character.

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