- For the Horde version, see Horde Bonfire.
The subject of this article or section is part of Midsummer Fire Festival, a seasonal event that lasts two weeks, after which it is no longer available until the next year.
The Alliance Bonfire is located throughout Alliance areas (see locations) during the Midsummer Fire Festival.
An Alliance player can toss a [Burning Blossom] onto one of these objects to not only gain [Fire Festival Fury] for themselves but also give the [Bonfire's Blessing] buff to every Alliance player that enters the zone, so long as the flame stays lit.
Horde players can complete the quest [1-70] Desecrate this Fire! at the bonfires, which will douse the flame and get rid of the Alliance's zone-wide [Bonfire's Blessing] buff.
- Horde gossip
You've reached an Alliance bonfire! Desecrate this bonfire and stamp it out!
Stamp out the Alliance bonfire!
- Ashenvale - East of Forest Song[87, 42]
- Azuremyst Isle - West of Azure Watch[44, 52]
- Bloodmyst Isle - South of Blood Watch[55, 67]
- Darkshore - West of Lor'danel[47, 23]
- Desolace - South of Nijel's Point[66, 17]
- Dustwallow Marsh - North-West of Theramore[62, 40]
- Feralas - North of Feathermoon Stronghold[46.8, 44]
- Silithus - East of Cenarion Hold[60, 33]
- Southern Barrens - South of Fort Triumph[48.5, 72]
- Stonetalon Mountains - North of Mirkfallon Post[49.5, 51]
- Tanaris - East of Gadgetzan[52, 30]
- Teldrassil - Dolanaar[55, 53]
- Un'Goro Crater - East of Marshal's Stand[59.5, 63]
- Winterspring - North-East of Everlook[61, 47]
Eastern Kingdoms[]
- Arathi Highlands - Northeast of Refuge Point[50, 44]
- Badlands - Dragon's Mouth[19, 56]
- Blasted Lands - West of Nethergarde Keep[58, 17]
- Burning Steppes - Northwest of Morgan's Vigil[68, 60]
- Cape of Stranglethorn - East of Booty Bay[51, 69]
- Dun Morogh - North of Kharanos[54, 45]
- Duskwood - South of Darkshire[73, 54]
- Elwynn Forest - North of Goldshire[43, 63]
- Loch Modan - North of Thelsamar[32, 40]
- Northern Stranglethorn - West of Fort Livingston[52, 63]
- Redridge Mountains - South of Lakeshire[26, 60]
- Swamp of Sorrows - West of Bogpaddle[76, 14]
- The Hinterlands - East of Aerie Peak[14, 50]
- Wetlands - North of Menethil Harbor[13, 47]
- Western Plaguelands - Chillwind Camp[43, 82]
- Westfall - North of Moonbrook[45, 62]
- Hellfire Peninsula - Northeast of Honor Hold [62, 58]
- Zangarmarsh - South of Telredor [69, 52]
- Terokkar Forest - West of Allerian Stronghold [54, 56]
- Nagrand - West of Telaar [50, 70]
- Blade's Edge Mountains - East of Sylvanaar [41, 65]
- Netherstorm - North of Area 52 [31, 62]
- Shadowmoon Valley - Northeast of Wildhammer Stronghold [40, 54], along the wall.
- Borean Tundra - South West of Fizzcrank Airstrip [55, 20]
- Howling Fjord - Fort Wildervar [57, 15]
- Dragonblight - Wintergarde Keep [74, 43]
- Crystalsong Forest - North of Windrunner's Outlook [77, 74]
- Grizzly Hills - Amberpine Lodge [34, 60]
- Zul'Drak - North of The Argent Stand [40, 61]
- Sholazar Basin - Southern River's Heart [47, 65]
- The Storm Peaks - West of K3 [41, 87]
- Mount Hyjal - Nordrassil [62.8, 22.7]
- Vashj'ir - Inside Silver Tide Hollow, Shimmering Expanse [49.4, 42.0]
- Deepholm - Temple of Earth [49.4, 51.3]
- Uldum - North of Ramkahen[53.5, 32]
- Twilight Highlands - South of Thundermar[47, 29]
- Jade Forest - South of Dawn's Blossom[47.2, 47.2] / [68.3, 50.5]
- Valley of the Four Winds - West end of Halfhill Market[51.8, 51.3] / [52.3, 67.0]
- Krasarang Wilds - West of Zhu's Watch[74.0, 9.5] / [59.8, 68.5]
- Kun-Lai Summit - North end of Binan Village[71.2, 90.9] / [53.9, 46.9]
- Townlong Steppes - Longying Outpost[71.5, 56.3] / [37.3, 41.3]
- Dread Wastes - Soggy's Gamble [56.1, 69.6] / [36.2, 74.9]
- Vale of Eternal Blossoms (Alliance) - Mogu'shan Palace exterior [79.7, 37.3] / [53.4, 51.8]
- Vale of Eternal Blossoms (Horde) - Mogu'shan Palace exterior [77.8, 34.0] / [53.1, 51.3]
Broken Isles[]
Kul Tiras[]
Patch changes[]
- Patch 1.11.0 (2006-06-19): Added.