- Alloy-Warping Facetor
- Binds when picked up
- Unique
- Use: Add a socket to a Shadowlands Season 2 item that does not already have one. Can be used on Helms, Necks, Bracers, Belts, or Rings.
- Requires Archivists' Codex - Tier 6
Alloy-Warping Facetors are purchased from Archivist Roh-Suir at Tier 6 (exalted) with the Archivists' Codex for 5,000 [Cataloged Research] at the Reliquary of Remembrance at Keeper's Respite in Korthia. Additionally, Bonesmith Heirmir, also at the respite, will trade in 1000
[Soul Cinders] for one facetor. The facetor will not work on items that already have Domination Sockets.
Patch changes[]
Patch 9.1.0 (2021-06-29): Added.