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MobAlpine Chipmunk
Image of Alpine Chipmunk
Race Squirrel (Critter)
Level 1
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Drustvar, Highmountain, Mount Hyjal, Tiragarde Sound, Stonetalon Mountains, Winterspring
Tracking wildpet This creature can be captured by engaging it in a pet battle.

Alpine Chipmunks are small critters, found in Drustvar, Highmountain, Mount Hyjal, Tiragarde Sound, Stonetalon Mountains, and Winterspring.

Pet Journal[]

Many an explorer has been entranced by the adorable nature of the alpine chipmunk, failing to notice its small teeth on frostbitten digits.


critter Critter: Immune to stun, root, and sleep effects.
Battlebar-abilitybadge-strong +50% damage from Beast Battlebar-abilitybadge-weak -33% damage from Elemental
Level 1 Level 2 Level 4
Peticon-critter Talentspec druid feral cat [Scratch] Peticon-critter Ability rogue sprint [Adrenaline Rush] Peticon-critter Inv misc food pinenut [Nut Barrage]
▲▼ ▲▼ ▲▼
Peticon-beast Trade archaeology vrykul runestick [Woodchipper] Peticon-critter Ability druid cower [Crouch] Peticon-critter Inv misc foot centaur [Stampede]
Level 10 Level 15 Level 20

Criteria of[]

Patch changes[]

External links[]

Critter Battle Pet