Once used to channel the demonic energies of the Burning Legion, these altars have been retooled by troll masons. Using the rediscovered elemental abilities of the shamans, these altars serve as a kind of "gate" to revive fallen warriors. When a hero dies, his spirit can be recalled at these altars to continue service for the Horde.[1]
Surrounds Orc buildings with spikes that damage enemy melee attackers. Deals 4 damage per attack.
Research Cost
Researched At
Upgrade Time
25 75
War Mill
60 sec.
Damage: 4
Improved Spiked Barricades
Increases the amount of damage inflicted on melee attackers by 6.
Research Cost
Researched At
Upgrade Time
50 175
War Mill
75 sec.
Damage: 10
Advanced Spiked Barricades
Further increases the amount of damage inflicted on melee attackers by 6.
Research Cost
Researched At
Upgrade Time
75 275
War Mill
90 sec.
Damage: 16
Spiked Barricades
Surrounds Orc buildings with spikes that damage enemy melee attackers. Deals 5 damage per attack plus an additional 20% damage of the attacker's damage.
Research Cost
Researched At
Upgrade Time
25 75
War Mill
60 sec.
Damage: 5 + 20% of the attacker's damage.
Improved Spiked Barricades
Increases the amount of additional damage inflicted on melee attackers by 30% of the attacker's damage.