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For the appearance in Talador, see Ambassador Hellmaw (Talador).
BossAmbassador Hellmaw
Image of Ambassador Hellmaw
Gender Male
Race Ered'ruin (Demon)
Level 20-30 Elite
Class Terrorguard
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Burning Legion
Occupation Ambassador
Location Shadow Labyrinth, Auchindoun
Status Killable
Shadow Labyrinth

Ambassador Hellmaw
Blackheart the Inciter
Grandmaster Vorpil


Other Auchindoun instances

Ambassador Hellmaw is the first boss of the Shadow Labyrinth in Auchindoun. The Cabal feeds him prisoners that have outlived their usefulness.

Adventure Guide[]

A powerful demonic servant and acolyte of pain, Ambassador Hellmaw is dedicated to the art of death. He loves nothing more than the taste of a mortal's lifeblood tinged with horror and despair. Hellmaw is bound by the fel orcs of the Shadow Labyrinth and fed a constant stream of prisoners, bolstering the demon to serve the black will of his masters.

Attacks and abilities[]

  • Spell shadow possession Fear Magic Effect — Ambassador Hellmaw instills fear in all players within 0 yards, causing them to flee for 6 sec.
  • Spell nature acid 01 Corrosive Acid — Ambassador Hellmaw sprays corrosive acid on all players in front of him, inflicting Nature damage every 3 seconds and reducing their armor by 3939 for 15 sec.


After killing the last of the ritualists Hellmaw will path one time around the room. He will stop where he initially was standing before the last mob was killed, then patrol up and down the northern most hallway indefinitely. It is best to pull the final ritualist far back to the southern entrance into the room. This will give you all the time you need to prepare for the final boss fight.

First, have the Main Tank face him away from the party to minimize the effect of his corrosive acid. He fears fairly often, if the tank gets feared he may lose aggro, or the boss will follow him and hit other players with acid. A priest using Spell holy excorcism [Fear Ward] can prevent this, a shaman can drop Spell nature tremortotem [Tremor Totem], otherwise the fear effect can be dispelled. Have someone keep track of time, so when there's 5 seconds left on the 25-second timer the healers can cast a couple of HoTs on the tank and move out of range, then get back and dispel if he is affected by fear.

A warrior using Spell Reflection can also avoid the fear - it won't affect the boss, but the warrior won't be either. Warriors can also "stance dance", use berserker stance to avoid fear, paladins can bubble out. Another method is using a warlock's felhunter with devour magic.

You can also tank him in the tunnel leading to the room, so healers will not be feared out of the line of sight of the tank.

Note that since patch 2.3.0, mobs will often continue to attack feared tanks, making this encounters easier.


This fight is all-over pretty easy even for inexperienced end-game players. The game goes just like before, though 2 healers might be a very good idea for this fight depending on your mana pool. After a few wipes we realized that Hellmaw in heroic mode was actually a timed encounter. An enrage ability activates if you don't kill the boss in maximum 3 minutes, pretty much like Mechano-Lord Capacitus in Mechanar Heroic Mode and one-shots every one by dealing over 30k damage on leather/cloth, 20k on mail and over 10-15k on plate. Heavy DPS is required in order not to wipe against this fairly easy boss. It is suggested to use all dump aggro abilities you might have like Soulshatter for warlocks or Invisibility for mages to keep steady DPS on him. Pulling aggro would result in possible death or losing precious seconds of DPS. Remember that resisting Hellmaw's fear might cause that person to die, it is suggested not to use any Shadow Resistance aura or Protection buff for this encounter.

If you have a Shaman with you, use Tremor Totems and Bloodlust to ensure you have enough DPS to down him. If your group consists of casters, make sure they've got sufficient mana pots.


Normal and Heroic drops
Heroic-only drops


Infidels have invaded the sanctuary! Sniveling pests... You have yet to learn the true meaning of agony!
  • Pathetic mortals! You will pay dearly!
  • I will break you!
  • Finally, something to relieve the tedium.
Killing a player
  • Do you fear death? <insidious laughter>
  • This is the part I enjoy most...
Calling for help
Aid me, you fools, before it's too late!
Do not...grow...overconfident, mortal.

Objective of[]


Patch changes[]

External links[]
