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KyrianAn Expected Visitor
Start Polemarch Adrestes [55.6, 42.0]VZ-Elysian HoldBlip
End Xandria [62.2, 37.8]VZ-Elysian HoldBlip
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Kyrian Campaign
Experience 950
Rewards 2g 57s 40c
Previous N [60] Building the Base
Next N [60] A Perilous Journey


Speak with Xandria in Archon's Rise.


One Alexandros Mograine of Maldraxxus is meeting with the Paragon of Courage in Archon's Rise. Xandria has requested you join them.

The two worked together recently to repel a nascent secondary assault on the Temple of Courage. Xandria seems to trust him well enough, so we have granted him access to the hold...for now.

I suspect they will not stay here long. You should make haste.


You will receive:

  • 2g 57s 40c
  • 950 XP


Good. Now we can begin the mission.


Head up to Archon's Rise, where Alexandros Mograine and Xandria, the Paragon of Courage, are finishing a conversation:

Xandria says: I will honor our accord. Gharmal will fall by our combined might.


  1. N [60] An Expected Visitor
  2. N [60] A Perilous Journey
  3. N [60] Stronger Together
  4. N [60] Fight and Flight
  5. N [60] Justice from Above, N [60] The Butchers of Bastion, N [60] Dark Developments
  6. N [60] An Early End, N [60] Burn Before Reading, N [60] Descended
  7. N [60] Trouble on the Western Front
  8. N [60] Charging The Blade, N [60] Grave Intent, N [60] Aerial Advantage
  9. N [60] Power of the Chosen
  10. N [60] The End is Now
  11. N [60] Pursuit of Justice
  12. N [60] Take Heart
  13. N [60] Return to the Hold
  14. N [60] Crest of Greatness

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