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NeutralAn Unworthy Task
Start Ashildir
End Colborn the Unworthy
Level 10-45
Category Stormheim
Experience 11,300
Reputation +150 Valarjar
Rewards 11g 60s
Previous N [10-45] The Final Judgment
Next N [10-45] A Little Kelp From My Foes, N [10-45] Accessories of the Cursed


Search among the caged vrykul in Helheim for one who can help your escape.

  • Cooperative spirit found


This place is Helheim, the realm of the unworthy dead. Here, the spirits of the dishonorable spend eternity in an endless futile battle, always seeking glory but never able to attain it.

We should not be here.

We must find a way out. I will scout ahead - you should try and release some of these captive spirits here. Perhaps one may have some answers for us.


You will receive:

  • 11g 60s (at level 100)
  • 11,300 XP (at level 100)
  • +150 reputation with Valarjar


Free at last!

The kvaldir caught me while I was tryin' to put together a plan to sneak past that foul dog, Guarm, and have had me locked up ever since!

I thought surely my fate was sealed.


Upon accept, Ashildir runs away. Open Colborn's Cage in front of you.

Colborn the Unworthy says: Thank ye, outsider. Follow me, and I'll tell ya me plan!


  1. N [10-45] An Unworthy Task
    1. Bonus Objective (-110): N [10-44B] Raze Hel
    2. Unlocks: N [45WQ] Razing Hel
  2. N [10-45] A Little Kelp From My Foes & N [10-45] Accessories of the Cursed
  3. N [10-45] Stealth by Seaweed
  4. N [10-45] A Desperate Bargain
  5. N [10-45] The Eternal Nemesis
  6. N [10-45] To Light the Way
  7. N [10-45] Sundered & N [10-45] Allies in Death
  8. N [10-45] Victory is Eternal
  9. N [10-45] Paid in Lifeblood

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