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AllianceAnchors Aweigh Too Much
Start Nedly Grinner
End Nedly Grinner
Level 30-60
Category Stormsong Valley
Experience 16,450
Reputation +75 Storm's Wake
Rewards Inv back mail kultirasquest b 01 [Mud-Slicked Capote]
or Inv offhand 1h kultirasquest b 01 [Salvage-Hunter's Torch]
or Inv shield 1h kultirasquest b 01 [Anchor-Strapped Barrier]
23g 40s
Previous A [30-60] Treasure Hunting
Next A [30-60] Don't Turtle, A [30-60] A Horrible Place


Find 12 Old Ship Parts.


I got a little deal on the side, selling used ship parts to Addington Shipyards.

While you're out looking for the treasure, see what sort of useful parts you can salvage from the mud: anchors, cannons, whatever!

We'll sell them to Addington and cut you in for a share of the profits.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv back mail kultirasquest b 01 [Mud-Slicked Capote] Inv offhand 1h kultirasquest b 01 [Salvage-Hunter's Torch]
Inv shield 1h kultirasquest b 01 [Anchor-Strapped Barrier]

You will also receive:


See what you can find out in the mud.


We'll make good money off these. No one will know they are used parts.


Pick up all of A [30-60] Not On Our Payroll, A [30-60] Fun With Magnets and A [30-60] Bomb Beats Rock before heading out.

While out and about, look for Crushtacean at [51.2, 55.4]VZ-Stormsong ValleyBlip in a cave off on the eastern side of the quest area. It drops the Inv 70 quest ring4c [Bonesplinter Band] and some Inv smallazeriteshard [Azerite].

Ship parts and restless stones carpet the area.


Optional breadcrumb from Eckhart Lodge: A [30-60] Reloading

  1. A [30-60] Break 'Em Out & A [30-60] Iron Low Tide & A [30-60] Two-Faced Pirate Scum
  2. A [30-60] Treasure Hunting
  3. A [30-60] Bomb Beats Rock & A [30-60] Anchors Aweigh Too Much & A [30-60] Not On Our Payroll & A [30-60] Fun With Magnets
  4. A [30-60] Share the Wealth
  5. A [30-60] Don't Turtle
  6. A [30-60] Earl-E Bot Gets the Worm
  7. A [30-60] No Bot Left Behind
  8. A [30-60] Cave Commotion
  9. A [30-60] All Laid Out For Us
  10. Optional follow-up: A [30-60W] Walking-Around Money

Outbound breadcrumb to Seabreeze Village: A [30-60] Helping Out, Somewhere Else

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