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NeutralAnchors to Life
Start Gerithus [28.4, 48.6]VZ-Ohn'ahran PlainsBlip
End Gerithus [28.4, 48.6]VZ-Ohn'ahran PlainsBlip
Level 70 (Requires 70)
Category Valdrakken Accord
Experience 1,200
Rewards 2g 80s 90c
Previous N [70] Emerald Tears, N [70] A Frenzied Defender
Next N [70] To Somnikus


Empower the Inert Anchors with the Emerald Tears.

  • Empower First Anchor
  • Empower Second Anchor
  • Empower Third Anchor
  • Wait for Merithra to Arrive


Based on my research, I believe there's a way to reestablish Ysera's ties to the Emerald Dream, so we can bring her closer to Azeroth.

When Ysera died, the Winter Queen used her own power to restore her in Ardenweald. For now, she's bound there, but I think if we can just get Ysera over into the Emerald Dream, we can use these anchors to keep her there.

But I'm getting ahead of everything.

First, we have to infuse these anchors with the power of those Emerald Tears.


You will receive:

  • 2g 80s 90c
  • 1,200 XP


There is so much potential within ourselves.


That's it! I can feel the power in the anchors.

Now, of course, there's just the one tiny problem of how to get Ysera to cross from the realms of death into the realms of life. One thing at a time.

For now, I'll get these anchors to the Shady Sanctuary for safekeeping.

My mother is here. She must have more that she wants you and Rymek to see.


Three Inert Anchors appear around Gerithus. Interact with them in any order, turning them to Infused Anchors:

Gerithus says: Once Ysera has crossed out of the realms of death, I believe the power of these anchors will help her remain in the Dream.
Rymek says: But the Dreamer is dead, my friend. How do you plan to bring her back?
Gerithus says: That... I don't know. But I'm confident that I can figure out a way.
Gerithus says: Even now, Tyrande and Malfurion are exploring the depths of Ardenweald, searching for possibilities.
Merithra flies in and shifts to her visage form.
Merithra says: Hello again. Have your discussions been enlightening?
Gerithus says: Hello, Mother. I was just telling Rymek about my theory.

On complete:

Rymek says: I have learned much here today. But what do I see there, over the water?
Merithra says: That is the Ancient Bough, a portal to the Emerald Dream.
Merithra says: Somnikus guards the Oathstone there. He has been withdrawn of late. Perhaps a visit from a blue emissary will cheer him.


  1. N [70] Emerald Summons
  2. N [70] A Day in the Groves
  3. N [70] Seeds for the Future, N [70] Wake the Ancients
  4. N [70] Gerithus's Research
  5. N [70] Emerald Tears, N [70] A Frenzied Defender
  6. N [70] Anchors to Life
  7. N [70] To Somnikus
  8. N [70] The Chittering Rocks, N [70] Guarded Appreciation
  9. N [70] So Close
  10. N [70] And Yet So Far

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