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Main article: Atramedes
NeutralAncient Dwarven Shield
Image of Ancient Dwarven Shield
Race Unknown (Uncategorized)
Level 35
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location The Athenaeum, Blackwing Descent

The Ancient Dwarven Shields are ten shields positioned around the edges of the Athenaeum in Blackwing Descent. During the Atramedes encounter, players can strike one of the shields to cause a Resonating Clash, interrupting Atramedes' casting, resetting the Sound on every player to zero, and inflicting Atramedes with the Vertigo debuff. When Atramedes recovers, he destroys the shield, rendering it unusable for the rest of the encounter.


  • Ability vehicle sonicshockwave Resonating Clash — The sound resonating from the Ancient Dwarven Shield interrupts Atramedes' casting.While Airborne, Atramedes switches the target of his Roaring Flame Breath to the player who used the Ancient Dwarven Shield.
    • Spell frost stun Vertigo — The Resonating Clash has sent the target into a state of Vertigo, increasing damage taken by 50% for 5 sec.


  • The shields are adorned with symbols representing the Dark Iron Thanes fought prior to Atramedes. As there are ten shields but only eight thanes, two of them are visual duplicates: Angerforge and Moltenfist have two shields each.


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