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HordeAneka Melae
Image of Aneka Melae
Title <Corrupted Aspirant Vendor>
Gender Female
Race Zandalari troll (Humanoid)
Level 50 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Hall of Legends, Orgrimmar
Status Alive

Aneka Melae is a Zandalari troll vendor located in the Hall of Legends in Orgrimmar.


Pointer repair on 32x32 This vendor offers a repair service.

Icon-search-48x48 This section contains information that needs to be cleaned up. Reason: Cost.
Item Cost
Spell holy championsbond [Corrupted Aspirant's Badge]
Inv ring 80 02c [Corrupted Aspirant's Band]
Spell arcane rune [Corrupted Aspirant's Bauble]
Inv hand 1h nzothraid d 01 [Corrupted Aspirant's Claw]
Corrupted Aspirant's Cleaver
Inv axe 2h nzothraid d 01 [Corrupted Aspirant's Decapitator]
Ability warrior endlessrage [Corrupted Aspirant's Emblem]
Inv mace 1h nzothraid d 01 [Corrupted Aspirant's Gavel]
Inv sword 2h nzothraid d 01 [Corrupted Aspirant's Greatsword]
Inv bracer mail nzothraid d 01 [Corrupted Aspirant's Chain Armbands]
Corrupted Aspirant's Chain Armor
Inv glove mail nzothraid d 01 [Corrupted Aspirant's Chain Gauntlets]
Corrupted Aspirant's Chain Helm
Inv pant mail nzothraid d 01 [Corrupted Aspirant's Chain Leggings]
Inv boot mail nzothraid d 01 [Corrupted Aspirant's Chain Sabatons]
Corrupted Aspirant's Chain Spaulders
Inv belt mail nzothraid d 01 [Corrupted Aspirant's Chain Waistguard]
Corrupted Aspirant's Chopper
Inv misc token argentdawn3 [Corrupted Aspirant's Insignia]
Inv belt leatherraidnzoth d 01 [Corrupted Aspirant's Leather Belt]
Inv bracer leatherraidnzoth d 01 [Corrupted Aspirant's Leather Bindings]
Inv boot leatherraidnzoth d 01 [Corrupted Aspirant's Leather Boots]
Inv glove leatherraidnzoth d 01 [Corrupted Aspirant's Leather Gloves]
Corrupted Aspirant's Leather Helm
Inv pant leatherraidnzoth d 01 [Corrupted Aspirant's Leather Legguards]
Corrupted Aspirant's Leather Spaulders
Corrupted Aspirant's Leather Tunic
Inv bow 1h nzothraid d 01 [Corrupted Aspirant's Longbow]
Ability pvp gladiatormedallion [Corrupted Aspirant's Medallion] 800g
Inv polearm 2h nzothraid d 01 [Corrupted Aspirant's Pike]
Inv bracer plate nzothraid d 01 [Corrupted Aspirant's Plate Armguards]
Inv glove plate nzothraid d 01 [Corrupted Aspirant's Plate Gauntlets]
Inv belt plate nzothraid d 01 [Corrupted Aspirant's Plate Girdle]
Corrupted Aspirant's Plate Helm
Corrupted Aspirant's Plate Chestpiece
Inv pant plate nzothraid d 01 [Corrupted Aspirant's Plate Legguards]
Corrupted Aspirant's Plate Pauldrons
Inv boot plate nzothraid d 01 [Corrupted Aspirant's Plate Warboots]
Inv mace 1h nzothraid d 02 [Corrupted Aspirant's Pummeler]
Inv jewelry talisman 13 [Corrupted Aspirant's Relentless Brooch] 800g
Inv offhand 1h nzothraid d 01 [Corrupted Aspirant's Reprieve]
Inv firearm 2h nzothraid d 01 [Corrupted Aspirant's Rifle]
Inv ring 80 02e [Corrupted Aspirant's Ring]
Inv knife 1h nzothraid d 02 [Corrupted Aspirant's Shanker]
Inv shield 1h nzothraid d 01 [Corrupted Aspirant's Shield Wall]
Sha ability rogue sturdyrecuperate [Corrupted Aspirant's Sigil of Adaptation] 800g
Inv belt cloth nzothraid d 01 [Corrupted Aspirant's Silk Cord]
Inv bracer cloth nzothraid d 01 [Corrupted Aspirant's Silk Cuffs]
Inv glove cloth nzothraid d 01 [Corrupted Aspirant's Silk Gloves]
Corrupted Aspirant's Silk Hood
Inv pant cloth nzothraid d 01 [Corrupted Aspirant's Silk Leggings]
Corrupted Aspirant's Silk Mantle
Corrupted Aspirant's Silk Robe
Inv boot cloth nzothraid d 01 [Corrupted Aspirant's Silk Treads]
Inv sword 1h nzothraid d 01 [Corrupted Aspirant's Slicer]
Inv knife 1h nzothraid d 03 [Corrupted Aspirant's Spellblade]
Inv knive 1h nzothraid d 01 [Corrupted Aspirant's Stabber]
Inv staff 2h nzothraid d 01 [Corrupted Aspirant's Staff]
Inv wand 1h nzothraid d 01 [Corrupted Aspirant's Wand]
Inv staff 2h nzothraid d 02 [Corrupted Aspirant's War Staff]
Inv glaive 1h nzothraid d 01 [Corrupted Aspirant's Warglaive]

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