Guardian Spirit, an angelic being in Hearthstone.
Angels are winged creatures mentioned or witnessed throughout the Warcraft universe. They are rarely referred to specifically as "angels".
Known appearances[]

First War[]
The first reference to angels exists in the Warcraft: Orcs & Humans manual:
As the archangels took up swords of light to defend the heavens, so must we take up holy arms to defend our lands.[1]
Second War[]
The second reference to angels is seen in the Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness manual:
As the guardians took up swords of light to defend the heavens, so must the holy men of earth be prepared to combat the dark tide that was quickly approaching from the south.[2]
Third War[]
When paladins evoked the Resurrection spell, angelic beings appeared to raise fallen allies.
World of Warcraft[]

The paladin's Guardian of Ancient Kings appears to be an angelic being.
- Kyrian from Bastion in the Shadowlands are angelic soul guides[3] that have the duty of carrying souls to the Shadowlands.[4]
- Spirit Healers, are a type of kyrian whose role is to eternally evaluate souls within the Veil.
- Val'kyr, beings inspired by the valkyries of Norse mythology, resemble angels.
- The paladin
[Guardian of Ancient Kings] apparently summons an angelic being.
- The draenei paladin Ahoo'ru summons Avenging Angels in battle.
- Naaru are described as angelic by Dornaa[5] as well as in Chronicle Volume 1,[6] and Chris Metzen has described them as "the angels of the Warcraft universe" in an interview.[7]
Related mentions:
[Iblis, Blade of the Fallen Seraph] was apparently the blade of a fallen angel.
- After being redeemed, Eranikus referred to Tyrande Whisperwind as an "angel of light".[8]
- When asked about tonight's dinner by Admiral Odesyus, "Cookie" McWeaksauce sarcastically replies that the dessert will consist of cheesecake, "flown in fresh from Stormwind on the wings o' angels...".
[Archangel] is a Discipline priest honor talent that when active grows a pair of yellow wings.
- Dark Archangel is a form taken by Baron Ashbury in Shadowfang Keep grows a pair of black wings in a "Dark Archangel Form"[9] and
[Dark Archangel] is a Discipline priest honor talent that when active grows a pair of black wings.
- Calder Gray refers to his abomination as his "beautiful angel".[10]
- Putti (baby angels) can be seen on the ceiling of the opera house in Karazhan.
- Tyrael, the archangel of wisdom in the Diablo franchise, is seen as an in-game pet in the form of
[Tyrael's Hilt] and is referenced by
[Tyrael's Charger].
- Helpless Wintergarde Villagers from the quest
[15-30] Flight of the Wintergarde Defender may sometimes, when you rescue them, say "You are my guardian angel! Like a white knight you flew in from the heavens and lifted me from the pit of damnation!"
- The ceiling at the bottom level of Wyrmrest Temple depicts four angel-like women.
- The angelic beings summoned by paladins in Warcraft III resemble a paladin with Lawbringer Armor and
[Avenging Wrath].
- The
[Aegis of Angelic Fortune] is an epic shield for holy paladins and restoration shamans, dropping from M'uru in Sunwell Plateau.
[Angelic Feather] and
[Angelic Bulwark] are Priest talents.
- The
[Glyph of Angels] causes a Priest's healing spells to momentarily grant angelic wings.
- Auric's Angels are an Alliance team that can be encountered on Island Expeditions and also found idling in Boralus Harbor.
In the RPG[]
It is said that when the divine spell, Mass Revival, is cast, it summons an angelic form to appear as the caster's fallen allies rise again.[11]
When the spell Divine Ascension is cast, the caster transforms into a "beautiful",[12] angelic version of themselves. Their skin, hair, and nails change into metal — silver, bronze, or gold, and they gain the ability to cast healing faster.[12]
- Flavor text for Val'kyr Annhylde in Hearthstone reads: "It turns out that guardian angels can also be grim reapers."
Avenging Angel summoned by Ahoo'ru.
A winged kyrian in the Beyond the Veil cinematic.
Forsworn, a once-bright soul kyrian that darkened.
Angels depicted on the ceiling of the Wyrmrest Temple.
[Angelic Feather], a priest talent ability.
Angelic being in Warcraft III.
Val'kyr in Reforged.
Spirit Healer in the Trading Card Game.
Guardian of Ancient Kings in the Trading Card Game.
Guardian of the Light in the Trading Card Game.
Libram of Hope in Hearthstone.
Spirit Healer in Hearthstone.
Guardian Spirit in Hearthstone.
Guardian Spirit in Hearthstone.
Apotheosis in Hearthstone.
See also[]
[Blood-Soaked Angel Figurine]
- Myth for more information
- Belief retcon
- ^ Warcraft: Orcs & Humans manual, Azeroth Army of the First War, Cleric Spells
- ^ Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness manual, The Alliance of Lordaeron
- ^ BlizzCon 2019 World of Warcraft: Shadowlands Deep Dive Panel
- ^ worldofwarcraft.com - Shadowlands
- ^
[10-70] The Seat of the Naaru
- ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1, pg. 142
- ^ Burning Crusade Behind The Scenes - The Draenei (2008-03-19). Retrieved on 2016-05-26.
- ^
[60R] The Nightmare Manifests
- ^ https://www.wowhead.com/spell=93757/dark-archangel-form
- ^
[10-30] Smarts-is-Smarts
- ^ Magic & Mayhem, pg. 92
- ^ a b More Magic and Mayhem, pg. 74