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NeutralAnglers Fisherman
Image of Anglers Fisherman
Gender Male
Race Pandaren (Humanoid)
Level 10-35
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) The Anglers
Location Anglers Wharf, Krasarang Wilds
Status Alive

Anglers Fishermen are pandaren located in Sri-La Village in the Jade Forest and at Anglers Wharf in Krasarang Wilds.



Jade Forest
  • What kind of bait you use? I knew a pandaren once, would use his own arm to bait the fish.
We called him the Noodler.
Rumor has it he's retired and went south.
  • Welcome to the coast of Pandaria! Where everything that can wash ashore has, or will, wash ashore.
  • Usually these shores are covered in mists. It looks like they cleared out for some reason.
  • I once saw a fish so big you'd swear it was a shark. Come to think of it...
  • So what are the fish like where you come from?
  • You a fisher? With them flabby arms and that heavy armor?
  • Ever see a kracken[sic] before? Old Jin claims to have caught one, once upon a time, but let it go on acount[sic] of it looked too "gamey."
We have a betting pool going to see if he ever finds it again.
  • More strangers seem to wash up on our beaches every day.
This bunch was still trying to shoot at each other until yesterday evening. I hope this isn't a sign of what's to come.


  • A brew sure would be nice right now.
Between a fisherwoman and a fisherman
Anglers Fisherwoman says: So... wanna talk about it?
Anglers Fisherman says: Nope.
Anglers Fisherwoman says: You sure? I hear it happens to everyone at some point.
Anglers Fisherman says: Nope.

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