Make your choice!

An anima cell
Anima powers are acquired in Torghast, Tower of the Damned from Anima Cells and other similar objects. They last for one run and many of them stack.
Anima powers[]
Demon hunter[]
[Band of Deep Burns]
[Blindfold of Focus]
[Bloating Fodder]
[Bottled Enigma]
[Cadaverous Eye]
[Crown of Obstinance]
[Curious Miasma]
[Dark Stalker's Draught]
[Demonglass Curio]
[Felborn Shield]
[Felborn Torch]
[Finely-Honed Bone Blades]
- Fury Wing (anima power)
[Fury Wrappings]
[Ghastly Chains]
[Hematoma Bat]
[Immolation Flux]
[Lightning Dust]
[Obleron Talisman]
- Obleron Talisman X2
[Obleron Venom]
- Obleron Venom X2
[Obleron Winds]
[Parliament Stone]
[Phantasmal Iris]
[Phial of Light]
[Pouch of Phantasma]
[Resonant Mawfang]
- Scryer's Cypher
[Secret Spices]
[Seeker's Rage]
[Shield of Unending Fury]
[Shifting Signet]
[Slayer's Cypher]
[Slayer's Gift]
[Slayer's Invocation]
- Slayer's Legacy
[Soulrender of Zovaal]
[Ultimate Detainment]
[Unstable Phantasma Lure]
- Adjutant Felipos
- Eternal Subjugator
- Ghastly Charger
- Obleron Spikes X3
[Spectral Oats]
- Spectral Bridle
- Tremorbeast
- Shimmerwing
- Obleron Endurance X3
- Obleron Spikes X3
- Seeker of Souls
Patch changes[]
Patch 9.0.2 (2020-11-17): Added.