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The following NPCs can be found in the Antoran Wastes.

Quest givers[]

Legion This section concerns content related to Legion.

Neutral Neutral[]

Name Title(s) Location(s) Quests Status Exp. Notes
IconSmall Alleria Alleria Windrunner Light's Purchase Alive Available after completion N [45] Reinforce Light's Purchase.
IconSmall Illidan Illidan Stormrage The Veiled Den Alive Available after completion N [45] Reinforce the Veiled Den.
IconSmall Turalyon High Exarch Turalyon Hope's Landing Alive Available after completion N [45] Securing a Foothold.

Class trainers[]


Profession trainers[]



Legion This section concerns content related to Legion.

Neutral Neutral[]

Name Titles(s) Location(s) Status Exp. Notes
IconSmall Lightforged Female A'naa Repairs Light's Purchase Alive
IconSmall NightElfDemonHunter Female Ilthara Darkthorn Illidari Provisioner The Veiled Den Alive
IconSmall Wyrmtongue Orix the All-Seer Inside a small cave. Alive

Various services[]

Legion This section concerns content related to Legion.

Neutral Neutral[]

Name Titles(s) Location(s) Status Exp. Notes
Spell holy pureofheart Lightforged Beacon Hope's Landing Active
Spell holy pureofheart Lightforged Beacon Light's Purchase Active
Spell holy pureofheart Lightforged Beacon The Veiled Den Active

Other notable NPCs[]

Legion This section concerns content related to Legion.

Neutral Neutral[]

Name Titles(s) Location(s) Status Exp. Notes
IconSmall Fareeya Captain Fareeya The Crescent Glaive Hope's Landing Alive Available after completion N [45] Securing a Foothold.


Name Titles(s) Type Location(s) Status Exp. Notes
IconSmall EredarBrute Admiral Rel'var Rare Elite Terminus Killable
IconSmall Inquisitor All-Seer Xanarian Rare Elite Terminus Killable
IconSmall Wyrmtongue Chief Alchemist Munculus Rare Elite Putrid Laboratory Killable
IconSmall Overfiend Commander Texlaz Rare Elite Terminus Killable
IconSmall Doomguard Doomcaster Suprax Rare Elite Altar of Darkest Rites Killable
IconSmall Bilescourge Earseeker Battle Pet The Spirit Crucible Killable
IconSmall Charhound F'harg Boss Fiend's Run Alive Killable in Antorus, the Burning Throne.
IconSmall PitLord Gar'zoth Rare Elite Fiend's Run Killable
IconSmall EredarBrute Hadrox Elite Stasis Core Killable
IconSmall FelLord Houndmaster Kerrax Rare Elite Defiled Path Killable
IconSmall Inquisitor Inquisitor Vethroz Rare Elite Defiler's Overlook Killable
IconSmall FelLord2 Lieutenant Xakaar Rare Elite Felfire Armory Killable
Minixis Minixis Battle Pet Terminus Killable
IconSmall ImpMother Mother Rosula Elite Defiled Path Killable She will only appear if lured out with a Inv misc food 154 fish 77green [Disgusting Feast].
IconSmall FelLord2 Nether-Ace Verik Elite Terminus Killable
IconSmall Ur'zul One-of-Many Battle Pet Killable
IconSmall Wyrmtongue Pilfer Battle Pet Felfire Armory Killable
IconSmall ImpMother Puscilla Rare Elite Defiled Path Killable
IconSmall EredarBrute Radix Elite Stasis Core Killable
IconSmall Darkglare Rezira the Seer Rare Elite Observer's Locus Killable
IconSmall Gloomhound Shatug Boss Fiend's Run Alive Killable in Antorus, the Burning Throne.
IconSmall FelLord2 Squadron Commander Vishax Rare Elite Unnamed Legion ship Killable
IconSmall Ur'zul The Many-Faced Devourer Rare Elite Scavenger's Boneyard Killable Summoned with the Bone Effigy created with the Inv misc scrollunrolled04c [Call of the Devourer].
IconSmall Panthara Varga Rare Elite Den of Despair Killable
IconSmall Aranasi Ven'orn Rare Elite Ven'orn's Lair Killable
IconSmall Doommaiden Void Warden Valsuran Rare Elite Altar of Darkest Rites Killable
IconSmall Inquisitor Vrax'thul Rare Elite Scavenger's Boneyard Killable
IconSmall Darkglare Watcher Aival Rare Elite Shaper's Rise Killable
IconSmall Man'ari Male Worldsplitter Skuul Rare Elite Fiend's Run Killable
IconSmall Wrathguard Wrath-Lord Yarez Rare Elite Felfire Armory Killable