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NeutralAnything But a Breeze
Start Ilana
End Rumiastrasza
Level 70 (Requires 70)
Category Ohn'ahran Plains
Experience 9,500
Rewards 5x Inv thanksgiving cranberrysauce [Ravenberry Panacotta Delight]
Inv misc food 145 cake [Picante Pomfruit Cake]
5x Inv drink 04 [Moira's Choice Espresso]
28g 9s
Previous N [70] The Egg's the Thing
Next N [70] What a Long, Sweet Trip It's Been


Collect a Breezehunter Egg.


Breezehunters?! Oh, those falcons have been a problem. Just the other day, our stable master, Marren, almost fell to her death trying to tame one.

She's pretty proud, so she blamed it on the breezehunter itself. Told me that if it didn't think her eggs were being attacked, it wouldn't have been so aggressive as to bully her off the cliff's edge.

I guess that means that you might find the eggs you're looking for out there? It was to the east, just around the mountainside here.


You will receive:

  • 28g 9s
  • 9,500 XP
Inv thanksgiving cranberrysauce 5x [Ravenberry Panacotta Delight] Inv misc food 145 cake [Picante Pomfruit Cake]
Inv drink 04 5x [Moira's Choice Espresso]


Looks like you made it back with a few scrapes as well as the egg!

Worry not about your pride or anything of the like! Even a dragon of my size wouldn[sic] not want to take on a nest of them alone.



Morsel and I will whip up a cake so divine your palette will swear it was in the afterlife. Imagine an experience that is lighter than air, tangy like a sunfruit, but with a crisp texture.

Prepare to feel like a breezehunter yourself!


The nest is at [85.46, 43.18]VZ-Ohn'ahran PlainsBlip.

Upon completion
Chef Hearthkiln says: Being an artisan o' tha forge, I say we turn this beauty into a souffle!
Rumiastrasza says: Marvelous idea, Chef! I would delight in trying it with a few shavings of dark iron limestone as well!


  1. N [70] The Ruby Feast!
  2. N [70] All Tea, No Shadeleaf
  3. N [70] The Life of Spice
  4. N [70] The Sea Out West
  5. N [70] Finest Fungi at the Feast
  6. N [70] Savory Seas
  7. N [70] Hearts of Starch
  8. N [70] The Egg's the Thing
    • N [70] Anything But a Breeze
  9. N [70] What a Long, Sweet Trip It's Been

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