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Main article: Grong, the Jungle Lord
AllianceApetagonizer 3000
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Race Crowd pummeler (Mechanical)
Level 122 Elite
Reaction Horde
Location Battle of Dazar'alor
Status Destroyable

Apetagonizer 3000 is a crowd pummeler located in the Battle of Dazar'alor.


  • Ability vehicle electrocharge Apetagonize — The Apetagonizer 3000 shocks Grong, increasing his Rage by 10.
  • Trade engineering Apetagonizer Core — Picks up Apetagonizer Core, inflicting 23816 Nature damage every 1 sec for 20 sec. While carrying Apetagonizer Core the player can cast Discharge Apetagonizer Core.
  • Ability vehicle electrocharge Lightning Detonation — Upon death the Apetagonizer 3000 explodes, inflicting 59540 Nature damage to all enemies within 15 yards and knocking them back. If Grong is in the blast he gains 50 Rage.


  • Apetagonizer 3000 system deployed. Prepare to "encourage" target!
  • Horde bad. Smash, monkey! Who is a good monkey? You are!
  • Power levels... falling... warning... warning...
  • System failure imminent. What a shocking... development...
  • Systems... inoperable... need... charging cable...

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