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MobArathi Basin
Level: 10-70
Arathi Basin loading screen BfA
Races HumanHuman Human
ForsakenForsaken Forsaken
Major settlements Alliance Trollbane Hall
Horde Defiler's Den
Location Arathi Highlands
PvP status Combat zone
Conflict in Arathi Basin
Location Arathi Basin
Result Unknown, ongoing

Alliance Alliance


Horde Horde

Commanders and leaders

Alliance Alliance


Horde Horde

Previous Conflict in Warsong Gulch
Next Conflict in Alterac Valley

Arathi Basin (pronounced Ah-RATH-ee)[1] (AB for short) is a fast and exciting battleground, located in the Arathi Highlands. The Basin itself is known for its rich mines, fertile land and skilled craftsmen[2] and is coveted by both the Horde and the Alliance. The Forsaken Defilers and the League of Arathor have arrived at Arathi Basin to wage war over these natural resources and claim them on behalf of their respective sides. A resource race battleground, players must dominate the Basin's bases in order to claim its resources, similar to "King of the Hill" or "Conquest" modes in other games.

There also exists a "Winter Arathi Basin" version, introduced as a PvP Brawl.

Official overview[]

Arathi Basin is a mountain-rimmed valley with some of the most arable acres in the Eastern Kingdoms. The basin has long been a prime point of societal development, offering lumber, gold and prime grazing land for livestock. It was only a matter of time before this fertile place was viewed through the sights of bows and guns.

The Basin's earliest days (and original owners) aren't even footnotes in history – the land frenzy driving Alliance and Horde now dominates the landscape. The League of Arathor, the remnants of the once-proud kingdom of Stromgarde (now occupied by ogres and the criminals of the Syndicate), would claim the basin to profit their allies in Stormwind (and, through them, the whole of the Alliance). Set against them are the forsaken Defilers, free-willed undead who strive to savage the human kingdom of Lordaeron and secure their home in the Undercity – and they demand Arathi's resources to do it.[3]


The Arathi Basin is one of the main staging points of war between the humans and the Forsaken in Azeroth. Arathi Basin is a 15 vs 15 domination battleground, where each side attempts to control the Stables, Blacksmith, Mine, Lumbermill and Farm for as long as possible. The Defilers' elite troopers seek to sever the vital connection between the humans and their dwarven allies to the south. Meanwhile, the League of Arathor seek to reclaim lost lands for their benefactors in Stormwind.


Maps and subregions[]

VZ-Arathi Basin-t1

Map of Arathi Basin.

Undisplayed locations
Arathi Basin cave entrance Horde

Horde cave entrance behind Hammerfall.

Arathi Basin cave entrance Alliance

Alliance cave entrance in Refuge Pointe.

Entering Arathi Basin[]

As with all battlegrounds, players of sufficient level can queue for Arathi Basin through the PvP interface.

Players can also queue by speaking to a battlemaster, found in capital cities, or by traveling to their faction's game world entrance to Arathi Basin, found in the Arathi Highlands. The Alliance entrance is located inside Refuge Pointe, while the Horde entrance is located just behind Hammerfall. However, all methods open the same window, offering players the same options. There is, therefore, no practical reason not to simply queue via the PvP interface.


Arathi Basin

Tactical map of Arathi Basin.

The objective is to be the first team to gain 1,500 resources. This is done by controlling locations on the map ("Resource Nodes"). While a node is controlled, it generates resources for the faction's team that controls it.

Basic rules[]

  • Each team may have up to 15 players.
  • There are five Resource Nodes on the map: the Farm, the Stables (ST), the Blacksmith (BS), the Lumber Mill (LM), and the Gold Mine (GM or Mine).
  • A node only earns resources when it is captured (see below). With the exception of possible strategic value, there is no resource difference between the nodes.
  • The rate of resource accumulation increases non-linearly as more nodes are captured. That is, if a team owns 2 nodes, it will not accumulate resources 2x as fast as when it only has 1 node. See below for more info.

Accumulating resources[]

Resources accumulate at the rates shown in the table below.

per Tick
(2 sec)
per sec
1 2 1
2 3 1.5
3 4 2
4 7 3.5
5 60 30
Arathi Basin TCG

"Controlling vital resource points is the key to victory. Control all five, and you are virtually guaranteed it." — Loraala.

Honor rewards[]

The game awards bonus honor to everyone on your side of the match for reaching certain goals. The amount of honor gained varies according to level. Those goals are:

  • Collecting multiples of 100 resources.
  • Winning the match

Losing a match results in less bonus honor, dependent on how many resources your team managed to collect before the loss.

Other scored events do not award bonus honor. These include: killing blows, assaulting a node, capturing a node, and defending a node.


Participating in Arathi Basin improves your reputation with The Defilers (Horde) or The League of Arathor (Alliance).

  • Collecting multiples of 100 resources grants 50 reputation (up to a total 750 rep per win).

Experience in Arathi Basin[]

Icon-time This section contains information that is out-of-date.
  • Players are awarded ~0.8% of a level for completing a Match.
  • Players are awarded ~0.8% of a level per 260 Resources.
  • Players are awarded ~0.8% of a level for a Victory.
  • The specific % of exp does vary per level, but it should amount to just under 16 Victories per level.

Strategy and tactics[]


There are a number of quests involving fighting in Arathi Basin, some of which need reputation with the battleground faction. You can get them from one of the NPCs near the battleground entrances in Hammerfall or Refuge Pointe.

The first quest will usually be The Battle for Arathi Basin!, for which you need to assault four different bases.



Arathi Basin items[]

Arathi Basin items are available by spending Honor Points. The Alliance vendor for these items is Samuel Hawke <League of Arathor Supply Officer> near the Alliance Arathi Basin battleground entrance in Arathi Highlands. The Horde vendor for these items is Rutherford Twing <Defilers Supply Officer> outside the Horde Arathi Basin battleground entrance in Hammerfall in Arathi Highlands.

Though some of the Arathor and Defiler factions items have different names and artwork, equivalent items' bonuses and equip effects are identical. Highlander's items are Arathor items.

The bulk of the items are belts, boots, and shoulders tailored to various classes. More powerful versions of some items can be purchased as you gain levels, allowing higher level players to receive faction rewards with better equipment bonuses.

See Honor rewards for other items which can be purchased with Honor Points.

Item (Alliance/Horde) Type Level #:   Honor Points Classes Description
[Talisman of Arathor] /
[Defiler's Talisman]
Trinket Lvl 28: 25
Lvl 38: 35
Lvl 48: 45
Lvl 58: 55
Unrestricted Absorbs a fixed amount of physical damage for 15 seconds
[Highlander's Chain Girdle] /
[Defiler's Chain Girdle]
Waist (Leather/Mail) Lvl 28: 45
Lvl 40: 55
Lvl 48: 70
Lvl 58: 85
Hunter, Shaman Stamina bonus
Improves chance to crit by 1%
Increases attack power
The level 58 version of this belt is part of The Highlander's Determination or The Defiler's Determination set.
[Highlander's Cloth Girdle] /
[Defiler's Cloth Girdle]
Waist (Cloth) Lvl 28: 45
Lvl 38: 55
Lvl 48: 70
Lvl 58: 85
Mage, Priest, Warlock Stamina and intellect bonuses
Improves chance to crit with spells by 1%
Increases healing done by spells and effects
The level 58 version of this belt is part of The Highlander's Intent or The Defiler's Intent set.
[Highlander's Lizardhide Girdle] /
[Defiler's Lizardhide Girdle]
Waist (Leather) Lvl 28: 45
Lvl 38: 55
Lvl 48: 70
Lvl 58: 85
Rogue, Druid Stamina and intellect bonuses
Improves chance to crit with spells by 1%
The level 58 version of this belt is part of The Highlander's Will or The Defiler's Will set.
[Highlander's Leather Girdle] /
[Defiler's Leather Girdle]
Waist (Leather) Lvl 28: 45
Lvl 38: 55
Lvl 48: 70
Lvl 58: 85
Rogue, Druid Stamina bonus
Increases chance to crit by 1%
Increases attack power
The level 58 version of this belt is part of The Highlander's Purpose or The Defiler's Purpose set.
[Highlander's Lamellar Girdle] Waist (Mail/Plate) Lvl 28: 45
Lvl 40: 55
Lvl 48: 70
Lvl 58: 85
Paladin Strength, stamina and intellect bonuses
Improves chance to crit by 1%
The level 58 version of this belt is part of The Highlander's Resolve set.
[Defiler's Mail Girdle] Waist (Leather/Mail) Lvl 28: 45
Lvl 40: 55
Lvl 48: 70
Lvl 58: 85
Hunter, Shaman Stamina and intellect bonuses
Improves chance to crit with spells by 1%
The level 58 version of this belt is part of The Defiler's Fortitude set.
[Highlander's Plate Girdle] /
[Defiler's Plate Girdle]
Waist (Mail/Plate) Lvl 28: 45
Lvl 40: 55
Lvl 48: 70
Lvl 58: 85
Warrior, Paladin Strength and stamina bonuses
Improves chance to crit by 1%
The level 58 version of this belt is part of The Highlander's Resolution or The Defiler's Resolution set.
[Highlander's Chain Greaves] /
[Defiler's Chain Greaves]
Feet (Leather/Mail) Lvl 28: 45
Lvl 40: 55
Lvl 48: 70
Lvl 58: 85
Hunter, Shaman Agility, stamina, and intellect bonuses
Run Speed increased slightly
The level 58 version of these boots is part of The Highlander's Determination or The Defiler's Determination set.
[Highlander's Cloth Boots] /
[Defiler's Cloth Boots]
Feet (Cloth) Lvl 28: 45
Lvl 38: 55
Lvl 48: 70
Lvl 58: 85
Mage, Priest, Warlock Stamina and intellect bonuses
Run Speed increased slightly
Increases healing done by spells and effects
The level 58 version of these boots is part of The Highlander's Intent or The Defiler's Intent set.
[Highlander's Lizardhide Boots] /
[Defiler's Lizardhide Boots]
Feet (Leather) Lvl 28: 45
Lvl 38: 55
Lvl 48: 70
Lvl 58: 85
Rogue, Druid Agility, stamina, and intellect bonuses
Run Speed increased slightly
Increases attack power
The level 58 version of these boots is part of The Highlander's Will or The Defiler's Will set.
[Highlander's Leather Boots] /
[Defiler's Leather Boots]
Feet (Leather) Lvl 28: 45
Lvl 38: 55
Lvl 48: 70
Lvl 58: 85
Rogue, Druid Agility and stamina bonuses
Run Speed increased slightly
Increases attack power
The level 58 version of these boots is part of The Highlander's Purpose or The Defiler's Purpose set.
[Highlander's Lamellar Greaves] Feet (Mail/Plate) Lvl 28: 45
Lvl 40: 55
Lvl 48: 70
Lvl 58: 85
Paladin Strength, agility, stamina, and intellect bonuses
Run Speed increased slightly
The level 58 version of these boots is part of The Highlander's Resolve set.
[Defiler's Mail Greaves] Feet (Leather/Mail) Lvl 28: 45
Lvl 40: 55
Lvl 48: 70
Lvl 58: 85
Hunter, Shaman Agility, stamina, and intellect bonuses
Run Speed increased slightly
Increases chance to crit with spells by 1%
The level 58 version of these boots is part of The Defiler's Fortitude set.
[Highlander's Plate Greaves] /
[Defiler's Plate Greaves]
Feet (Mail/Plate) Lvl 28: 45
Lvl 40: 55
Lvl 48: 70
Lvl 58: 85
Warrior, Paladin Strength, agility, and stamina bonuses
Run Speed increased slightly
The level 58 version of these boots is part of The Highlander's Resolution or The Defiler's Resolution set.
[Highlander's Chain Pauldrons] /
[Defiler's Chain Pauldrons]
Shoulders (Mail) Level 60: 130 Hunter, Shaman Agility, stamina, and intellect bonuses
These shoulders are part of The Highlander's Determination or The Defiler's Determination set.
[Highlander's Epaulets] /
[Defiler's Epaulets]
Shoulders (Cloth) Level 60: 130 Mage, Priest, Warlock Stamina and intellect bonuses
Restores 5 mana every 5 seconds
Increases healing done by spells and effects
These shoulders are part of The Highlander's Intent or The Defiler's Intent set.
[Highlander's Lizardhide Shoulders] /
[Defiler's Lizardhide Shoulders]
Shoulders (Leather) Level 60: 130 Rogue, Druid Agility, stamina, and intellect bonuses
Increases attack power
These shoulders are part of The Highlander's Will or The Defiler's Will set.
[Highlander's Leather Shoulders] /
[Defiler's Leather Shoulders]
Shoulders (Leather) Level 60: 130 Rogue, Druid Agility and stamina bonuses
Increases attack power
These shoulders are part of The Highlander's Purpose or The Defiler's Purpose set.
[Highlander's Lamellar Spaulders] Shoulders (Plate) Level 60: 130 Paladin Strength, agility, stamina, and intellect bonuses
These shoulders are part of The Highlander's Resolve set.
[Defiler's Mail Pauldrons] Shoulders (Mail) Level 60: 130 Hunter, Shaman Agility, stamina, and intellect bonuses
Restores 4 mana every 5 seconds
These shoulders are part of The Defiler's Fortitude set.
[Highlander's Plate Spaulders] /
[Defiler's Plate Spaulders]
Shoulders (Plate) Level 60: 130 Warrior, Paladin Strength, agility, and stamina bonuses
These shoulders are part of The Highlander's Resolution or The Defiler's Resolution set.
[Cloak of the Honor Guard] /
[Deathguard's Cloak]
Back Level 60: 85 Unrestricted Agility and stamina bonuses
Increases Attack Power
[Ironbark Staff] Staff Level 60: 185 Unrestricted Intellect and stamina bonuses
Improves chance to crit with spells by 2%
Increases damage and healing from spells and effects
[Sageclaw] /
Dagger Level 60: 130 Unrestricted Stamina bonus
Improves chance to crit with spells by 1%
Increases damage and healing from spells and effects


Note: This list is up to date as of Patch 10.1.7

Historic info[]

Notes and trivia[]


Patch changes[]

  • Battle for Azeroth Patch 8.1.5 (2019-03-12): Updated to current expansion quality.
  • Legion Patch 7.2.0 (2017-03-28): Added Arathi Blizzard PvP Brawl.
  • Warlords of Draenor Patch 6.2.0 (2015-06-23): Capturing a point in the following Battlegrounds now takes 6 seconds (down from 7 seconds).
    • Arathi Basin
    • The Battle for Gilneas
    • Deepwind Gorge
    • Rated Eye of the Storm
  • Warlords of Draenor Hotfix (2015-01-13): Players should now always have a fixed 25-second resurrection timer while in a Rated Battleground match.
  • Warlords of Draenor Hotfix (2015-01-09): Using Ice Floes or Aspect of the Fox should no longer incorrectly allow players to capture a point while moving.
  • Warlords of Draenor Hotfix (2015-01-08): Capturing a point in Arathi Basin, The Battle for Gilneas City, and the Rated Battlegrounds version for Eye of the Storm should now take 7 seconds (down from 8 seconds). This change restores time to capture a point back to what it was for these Battlegrounds in pre-6.0.2.
  • Warlords of Draenor Hotfix (2014-11-03): Increased Honor gains for Arathi Basin, Deepwind Gorge, Eye of the Storm, and The Battle for Gilneas. Honor is now awarded for every 150 resources gathered (up from Honor being awarded for every 250 resources gathered).
  • Mists of Pandaria Hotfix (2014-03-11): Bonus Achievement legionpvptier4 [Honor] is now awarded to the team for every 130 resources gained (down from 260) or every 100 resources gained when it’s featured on Call to Arms (down from 200).
  • Cataclysm Patch 4.0.3a (2010-11-23): Minimum required level lowered to 10, brackets now span 4 or 5 levels instead of 10.
  • Wrath-Logo-Small Patch 3.3.3 (2010-03-23): Battlegrounds will no longer award Marks of Honor.
    • Players with existing Marks of Honor can still turn them in to their respective faction's quest givers, including individual marks for those who may have more marks for one Battleground than another.
    • Items which previously required Marks of Honor will have their costs adjusted to remove these requirements.
  • Wrath-Logo-Small Patch 3.2.0 (2009-08-04):
    • When standing at a capture point that you control, you will gain a buff called Honorable Defender. This buff grants +50% honor gained from kills.
    • The time it requires to capture a base has been reduced to 8 seconds, down from 10 seconds.
    • The game now ends when one team reaches 1600 victory points, down from 2000.
  • WoW Icon update Patch 1.8.1 (2005-10-25): Certain geometry exploits in Arathi Basin have been fixed.
  • WoW Icon update Patch 1.7.1 (2005-09-22): Altered geometry in Arathi Basin to prevent a possible exploit.
  • WoW Icon update Patch 1.7.0 (2005-09-13): Added.

See also[]


External links[]

Arathi Basin Old Arathi Basin Winter Arathi Basin Comp Stomp


  • Who's Arathi MP3, a parody by anim5 of International Detective Dragons From Outer Space of Abott and Costello's "Who's on First?" skit.