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AllianceArcane Legacy
Start Arcanist Valdurian[58.7, 56.0]VZ-Stonetalon MountainsBlip
End Arcanist Valdurian[58.7, 56.0]VZ-Stonetalon MountainsBlip
Level 10-30
Category Stonetalon Mountains
Experience 3400
Reputation +500 Darnassus (faction)
Previous A [10-30] Rumble in the Lumber... Mill


Use the Highborne Prison to bind 5 Highborne Spirits.


The rage of the elements has unearthed a hidden Highborne city in the heart of Stonetalon Mountains.

Directly southwest of here, through Sishir Canyon, you will find the Ruins of Eldre'thar. Within the ruins lie treasures untouched by mortals for ten thousand years!

Take this device and use it on the Highborne ghosts that inhabit the ruins. It will... put their souls to rest and also collect valuable data which I may peruse at a later date.


You are wasting time, <name>.


I assure you, simpleton, the spirits you captured are at rest. Do not let their protests move you.


Throw the Inv pet magicalcradadbox [Highborne Prison] at any of the Highborne. The Highborne will die and become either a bound spirit or an enraged spirit. Only the bound spirits will count towards your quest total. The enraged spirits will be hostile and automatically aggro.

On getting a bound spirit:

  • Bound Highborne Spirit says: I... I have no control. Bound by your infernal contraption.
  • Bound Highborne Spirit says: You will regret your actions!
  • Bound Highborne Spirit says: I... What sorcery is this?


  1. A [10-30] Fallowmere Beckons (To the Sludgewerks/Mirkfallon Post)

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