Tutored in the Halls of Magic at the mystical city of Dalaran, sorceresses and priests diligently study their mysterious arts within the depths of the arcane sanctum. Over time, continuous study provides additional reserves of mana and the mastering of ever more difficult spells. It is also here that magical sentries may be called to allow the human towers to detect invisible enemy invaders.[1]
Human masonry upgrade cost reduced to 100/25, 125/50 and 150/75 from 100/100, 125/175, 175/250.
Patch 1.06 (2003-06-03): Most advanced technology structures had their build times reduced. This reduction ranged from 20 seconds for especially underused structures, to 10 seconds for less underused structures. For instance, the Slaughterhouse builds 20 seconds faster now, while the Arcane Sanctum build time was only reduced 10 seconds.