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AllianceArcanist Miluria
Image of Arcanist Miluria
Title <Legacy Justice Quartermaster>
Gender Female
Race High elf (Humanoid)
Level 30
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Silver Covenant
Occupation Arcanist
Location Silver Enclave, Dalaran[38.9, 53.1]VZ-DalaranBlip Wrath-Logo-Small
Unknown Legion

Arcanist Miluria is a high elf vendor who sells items requiring Pvecurrency-justice [Justice Points] to purchase.

Vendor information[]

Cloth armor[]

Item Location Cost
Alliance Inv helmet 146 [Hood of Fiery Aftermath] Head 164g 11s
Horde Inv helmet 139 [Hood of Smoldering Aftermath] Head 163g 52s
Alliance Inv helmet 146 [Helm of Clouded Sight] Head 164g 70s
Horde Inv helmet 87 [Hood of Clouded Sight] Head 165g 28s
Alliance Inv shoulder 110 [Mantle of Catastrophic Emanation] Shoulders 164g 9s
Horde Inv shoulder 35 [Pauldrons of Catastrophic Emanation] Shoulders 164g 67s
Alliance Inv shoulder 110 [Pauldrons of Revered Mortality] Shoulders 165g 26s
Horde Inv shoulder 90 [Mantle of Revered Mortality] Shoulders 165g 86s
Inv shoulder 101 [Furious Gladiator's Felweave Amice] Shoulders 591 Justice Points
Inv helmet 137 [Furious Gladiator's Felweave Cowl] Head 935 Justice Points
Inv gauntlets 72 [Furious Gladiator's Felweave Handguards] Hands 591 Justice Points
Inv chest cloth 63 [Furious Gladiator's Felweave Raiment] Chest 935 Justice Points
Inv pants cloth 24 [Furious Gladiator's Felweave Trousers] Legs 935 Justice Points
Inv gauntlets 49 [Furious Gladiator's Mooncloth Gloves] Hands 591 Justice Points
Inv helmet 136 [Furious Gladiator's Mooncloth Hood] Head 935 Justice Points
Inv pants cloth 24 [Furious Gladiator's Mooncloth Leggings] Legs 935 Justice Points
Inv shoulder 89 [Furious Gladiator's Mooncloth Mantle] Shoulders 591 Justice Points
Inv chest cloth 63 [Furious Gladiator's Mooncloth Robe] Chest 935 Justice Points
Inv helmet 136 [Furious Gladiator's Satin Hood] Head 935 Justice Points
Inv gauntlets 49 [Furious Gladiator's Satin Gloves] Hands 591 Justice Points
Inv pants cloth 24 [Furious Gladiator's Satin Leggings] Legs 935 Justice Points
Inv shoulder 89 [Furious Gladiator's Satin Mantle] Shoulders 591 Justice Points
Inv chest cloth 63 [Furious Gladiator's Satin Robe] Chest 935 Justice Points
Inv shoulder 49 [Furious Gladiator's Silk Amice] Shoulders 591 Justice Points
Inv helmet 86 [Furious Gladiator's Silk Cowl] Head 935 Justice Points
Inv gauntlets 64 [Furious Gladiator's Silk Handguards] Hands 591 Justice Points
Inv chest cloth 61 [Furious Gladiator's Silk Raiment] Chest 935 Justice Points
Inv pants cloth 28 [Furious Gladiator's Silk Trousers] Legs 935 Justice Points

Leather armor[]

Item Slot Cost
Alliance Inv helmet 139 [Hood of Lethal Intent] Head 161g 75s
Horde Inv helmet 145a [Mask of Lethal Intent] Head 161g 16s
Alliance Inv helmet 139 [Helm of Abundant Growth] Head 162g 34s
Horde Inv helmet 145b [Mask of Abundant Growth] Head 162g 92s
Alliance Inv shoulder 89 [Duskstalker Shoulderpads] Shoulders 161g 14s
Horde Inv shoulder 109a [Duskstalker Pauldrons] Shoulders 161g 73s
Alliance Inv shoulder 89 [Shoulders of the Fateful Accord] Shoulders 163g 50s
Horde Inv shoulder 109b [Epaulets of the Fateful Accord] Shoulders 162g 31s
Inv gauntlets 72 [Furious Gladiator's Dragonhide Gloves] Hands 591 Justice Points
Inv helmet 126 [Furious Gladiator's Dragonhide Helm] Head 935 Justice Points
Inv pants leather 24 [Furious Gladiator's Dragonhide Legguards] Legs 935 Justice Points
Inv chest cloth 70 [Furious Gladiator's Dragonhide Robes] Chest 935 Justice Points
Inv shoulder 98 [Furious Gladiator's Dragonhide Spaulders] Shoulders 591 Justice Points
Inv gauntlets 72 [Furious Gladiator's Kodohide Gloves] Hands 591 Justice Points
Inv helmet 126 [Furious Gladiator's Kodohide Helm] Head 935 Justice Points
Inv pants leather 24 [Furious Gladiator's Kodohide Legguards] Legs 935 Justice Points
Inv chest cloth 70 [Furious Gladiator's Kodohide Robes] Chest 935 Justice Points
Inv shoulder 98 [Furious Gladiator's Kodohide Spaulders] Shoulders 591 Justice Points
Inv gauntlets 53 [Furious Gladiator's Leather Gloves] Hands 591 Justice Points
Inv helmet 102 [Furious Gladiator's Leather Helm] Head 935 Justice Points
Inv pants leather 27 [Furious Gladiator's Leather Legguards] Legs 935 Justice Points
Inv shoulder 88 [Furious Gladiator's Leather Spaulders] Shoulders 591 Justice Points
Inv chest leather 16 [Furious Gladiator's Leather Tunic] Chest 935 Justice Points
Inv gauntlets 72 [Furious Gladiator's Wyrmhide Gloves] Hands 591 Justice Points
Inv helmet 126 [Furious Gladiator's Wyrmhide Helm] Head 935 Justice Points
Inv pants leather 24 [Furious Gladiator's Wyrmhide Legguards] Legs 935 Justice Points
Inv chest cloth 70 [Furious Gladiator's Wyrmhide Robes] Chest 935 Justice Points
Inv shoulder 98 [Furious Gladiator's Wyrmhide Spaulders] Shoulders 591 Justice Points

Mail armor[]

Item Location Cost
Alliance Inv helmet 95 [Helm of the Brooding Dragon] Head 155g 14s
Horde Inv helmet 100 [Coif of the Brooding Dragon] Head 154g 55s
Alliance Inv helmet 95 [Helm of Inner Warmth] Head 155g 74s
Horde Inv helmet 100 [Headguard of Inner Warmth] Head 156g 31s
Alliance Inv shoulder 107 [Epaulets of the Devourer] Shoulders 158g 78s
Horde Inv shoulder 100 [Pauldrons of the Devourer] Shoulders 159g 38s
Alliance Inv shoulder 107 [Mantle of the Groundbreaker] Shoulders 160g 55s
Horde Inv shoulder 67 [Shoulders of the Groundbreaker] Shoulders 159g 95s
Inv chest mail 02 [Furious Gladiator's Chain Armor] Chest 935 Justice Points
Inv gauntlets 73 [Furious Gladiator's Chain Gauntlets] Hands 591 Justice Points
Inv helmet 125 [Furious Gladiator's Chain Helm] Head 935 Justice Points
Inv pants mail 16 [Furious Gladiator's Chain Leggings] Legs 935 Justice Points
Inv shoulder 100 [Furious Gladiator's Chain Spaulders] Shoulders 591 Justice Points
Inv chest chain 16 [Furious Gladiator's Linked Armor] Chest 935 Justice Points
Inv gauntlets 71 [Furious Gladiator's Linked Gauntlets] Hands 591 Justice Points
Inv helmet 140 [Furious Gladiator's Linked Helm] Head 935 Justice Points
Inv pants mail 15 [Furious Gladiator's Linked Leggings] Legs 935 Justice Points
Inv shoulder 82 [Furious Gladiator's Linked Spaulders] Shoulders 591 Justice Points
Inv chest chain 16 [Furious Gladiator's Mail Armor] Chest 935 Justice Points
Inv gauntlets 71 [Furious Gladiator's Mail Gauntlets] Hands 591 Justice Points
Inv helmet 140 [Furious Gladiator's Mail Helm] Head 935 Justice Points
Inv pants mail 15 [Furious Gladiator's Mail Leggings] Legs 935 Justice Points
Inv shoulder 82 [Furious Gladiator's Mail Spaulders] Shoulders 591 Justice Points
Inv chest chain 16 [Furious Gladiator's Ringmail Armor] Chest 935 Justice Points
Inv gauntlets 71 [Furious Gladiator's Ringmail Gauntlets] Hands 591 Justice Points
Inv helmet 140 [Furious Gladiator's Ringmail Helm] Head 935 Justice Points
Inv pants mail 15 [Furious Gladiator's Ringmail Leggings] Legs 935 Justice Points
Inv shoulder 82 [Furious Gladiator's Ringmail Spaulders] Shoulders 591 Justice Points

Plate armor[]

Item Slot Cost
Alliance Inv helmet 25 [Heaume of the Restless Watch] Head 152g 79s
Horde Inv helmet 98 [Helm of the Restless Watch] Head 153g 38s
Alliance Inv helmet 23 [Helm of Thunderous Rampage] Head 164g 72s
Horde Inv helmet 130 [Faceplate of Thunderous Rampage] Head 165g 31s
Alliance Inv helmet 25 [Faceplate of the Honorbound] Head 166g 48s
Horde Inv helmet 98 [Headplate of the Honorbound] Head 167g 8s
Alliance Inv shoulder 30 [Pauldrons of the Cavalier] Shoulders 153g 35s
Horde Inv shoulder 62 [Shoulderplates of the Cavalier] Shoulders 152g 77s
Alliance Inv shoulder 20 [Pauldrons of Trembling Rage] Shoulders 166g 47s
Horde Inv shoulder 88 [Shoulderplates of Trembling Rage] Shoulders 165g 87s
Alliance Inv shoulder 04 [Shoulderplates of Enduring Order] Shoulders 167g 6s
Horde Inv shoulder 62 [Shoulderguards of Enduring Order] Shoulders 167g 64s
Inv chest plate 23 [Furious Gladiator's Dreadplate Chestpiece] Chest 935 Justice Points
Inv gauntlets 62 [Furious Gladiator's Dreadplate Gauntlets] Hands 591 Justice Points
Inv helmet 135 [Furious Gladiator's Dreadplate Helm] Head 935 Justice Points
Inv pants plate 27 [Furious Gladiator's Dreadplate Legguards] Legs 935 Justice Points
Inv shoulder 99 [Furious Gladiator's Dreadplate Shoulders] Shoulders 591 Justice Points
Inv chest plate 25 [Furious Gladiator's Ornamented Chestguard] Chest 935 Justice Points
Inv gauntlets 72 [Furious Gladiator's Ornamented Gloves] Hands 591 Justice Points
Inv helmet 133 [Furious Gladiator's Ornamented Headcover] Head 935 Justice Points
Inv pants plate 25 [Furious Gladiator's Ornamented Legplates] Legs 935 Justice Points
Inv shoulder 94 [Furious Gladiator's Ornamented Spaulders] Shoulders 591 Justice Points
Inv chest plate 25 [Furious Gladiator's Plate Chestpiece] Chest 935 Justice Points
Inv gauntlets 72 [Furious Gladiator's Plate Gauntlets] Hands 591 Justice Points
Inv helmet 98 [Furious Gladiator's Plate Helm] Head 935 Justice Points
Inv pants plate 27 [Furious Gladiator's Plate Legguards] Legs 935 Justice Points
Inv shoulder 89 [Furious Gladiator's Plate Shoulders] Shoulders 591 Justice Points
Inv chest plate 25 [Furious Gladiator's Scaled Chestpiece] Chest 935 Justice Points
Inv gauntlets 72 [Furious Gladiator's Scaled Gauntlets] Hands 591 Justice Points
Inv helmet 133 [Furious Gladiator's Scaled Helm] Head 935 Justice Points
Inv pants plate 25 [Furious Gladiator's Scaled Legguards] Legs 935 Justice Points
Inv shoulder 94 [Furious Gladiator's Scaled Shoulders] Shoulders 591 Justice Points


Item Type Cost
Inv wand 32 [Brimstone Igniter] Wand 127g 55s


Item Type Cost
Inv jewelry ring 54 [Band of the Invoker] Finger 137g 26s
Inv jewelry ring 57 [Heartmender Circle] Finger 137g 76s
Inv jewelry ring ahnqiraj 01 [Dexterous Brightstone Ring] Finger 136g 28s
Inv jewelry ring 71 [Bloodshed Band] Finger 135g 78s
Inv jewelry ring 50naxxramas [Clutch of Fortification] Finger 136g 78s

Relics, Trinkets and Misc[]

Item Type Cost
Inv spiritshard 01 [Shard of the Crystal Heart] Trinket 182g 49s
Inv misc gem bloodstone 03 [Talisman of Resurgence] Trinket 183g 83s
Inv misc gem bloodstone 03 [Mark of Supremacy] Trinket 188g 54s
Inv spiritshard 01 [Glyph of Indomitability] Trinket 189g 22s
Spell holy rune [Crusader Orb] Misc 125g

Patch changes[]

External links[]
