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NeutralArcanomancer Vridiel
Image of Arcanomancer Vridiel
Title <Blacksmithing Trainer>
Gender Male
Race High elf (Humanoid)
Level 10-45
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Kirin Tor, Magocracy of Dalaran
Location Tanks for Everything, Dalaran (Broken Isles)
Status Alive

Arcanomancer Vridiel is a high elven blacksmithing trainer in the Tanks for Everything shop of Dalaran in the Broken Isles.


During the third invasion of the Burning Legion, Arcanomancer Vridiel studied the Nightwell and its essence. From his research, he figured that the Nightwell initially drew power from the Eye of Aman'Thul, which was imbued with the power of the titan himself.[1] After its collapse, the energies previously trapped in it complicated the influence of Aman'Thul scattered about the Broken Isles, as releasing Aman'Thul's power brought more chaos than harmony,[2] with his power growing more and more unstable.[3]

When Arcanomancer Vridiel was brought the Inv ore pyrite nugget [Cursed Shard] - an unnatural metallic shard that shifted from color to color, and that swelled in size before melting away at one's touch, with its droplets hitting the ground with a hiss and giving out a noxious stench - he cursed Illidan.[4] The appearance of Argus over Azeroth accelerated the reaction triggered by the Nightwell's collapse, and Vridiel believed that the Legion's actions on Argus were further destabilizing the powers that people drew upon unknowingly for many years. The changes the substance had undergone since the Vindicaar departed for Argus were also alarming.[5] The reaction's intensity was accelerating by the day, and Vridiel feared they may win the fight against the Legion only to lose something very dear to them.[6]


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Icon-search-48x48 This section contains information that needs to be cleaned up. Reason: Cost.
Item Cost
Inv cape pandaria d 01 [Acherus Drapes]
Inv chest mail raidhuntermythic p 01 [Achor, the Eternal Hunger]
Inv bracer plate raidpaladin m 01 [Aegisjalmur, the Armguards of Awe]
Inv boots plate raidpaladin i 01 [Aggramar's Stride]
Inv boots leather 05red [Ailuro Pouncers]
Inv bracer mail pvphunter c 02 [Akainu's Absolute Justice]
Inv bracer plate pvpdeathknight e 01 [Al'Akir's Acrimony]
Inv belt 51 [Al'maiesh, the Cord of Hope]
Inv jewelry ring 65 [Alythess's Pyrogenics]
Inv shoulder leather raidmonk n 01 [Aman'Thul's Wisdom]
Inv 60pvp ring1a [Anger of the Half-Giants]
Inv bracer leather firelandsdruid d 01 [Anund's Seared Shackles]
Inv bracer leather panda b 01 [Anvil-Hardened Wristwraps]
Inv pants plate 39v1 [Ararat's Bloodmirror]
Inv gloves plate raidwarrior m 01 [Archavon's Heavy Hand]
Spell nature elementalshields [Archimonde's Hatred Reborn]
Inv plate firelands d 01 [Ashes to Dust]
Inv alchemy potion 06 [Awoken Titan Essence]
Inv misc ring firelands 1 [Ayala's Stone Heart]
Inv helmet leather draenorhonors2 c 01 [Behemoth Headdress]
Inv chest cloth 80 [Belo'vir's Final Stand]
Inv offhand naxxramas 04 [Bone-Wrought Coffer of the Damned]
Inv chest plate panda b 01gold [Breastplate of the Golden Val'kyr]
Inv chest chain 15 [Butcher's Bone Apron]
Inv bracer 36b [Call of the Wild]
Inv helm leather pvpdruid g 01 [Ceann-Ar Charger]
Inv cape 430dungeon c 04 [Celerity of the Windrunners]
Inv cape pandaria b 02 [Cenedril, Reflector of Hatred]
Inv belt leather firelandsdruid d 01 [Chain of Thrayn]
Inv helmet 153 [Chameleon Song]
Inv cape draenorraid d 01plate dk [Chaos Theory]
Inv misc ring firelands 2 [Chatoyant Signet]
Inv leather raiddruid m 01belt [Cinidaria, the Symbiote]
Inv misc cape 09 [Cloak of Fel Flames]
Spell holy greaterblessingofsalvation [Coffer of Twin Faiths]
Inv chest plate raiddeathknight p 01 [Cold Heart]
Inv pants plate 03 [Consort's Cold Core]
Inv shoulder robe raidpriest j 01 [Contained Infernal Core]
Inv belt 44c [Cord of Infinity]
Inv belt leather panda b 02 crimson [Cord of Maiev, Priestess of the Moon]
Spell fire fire [Darckli's Dragonfire Diadem]
Inv helm plate pvpdeathknight c 01 [Death March]
Inv misc quiver 04 [Deepwood Ranger's Quiver]
Inv shoulder 51 [Delusions of Grandeur]
Inv misc bag soulbag [Demonslayer's Soul-Sealed Satchel]
Inv bracer leather panda b 02 crimson [Denial of the Half-Giants]
Inv chest plate pvpwarrior c 01 [Destiny Driver]
Inv misc cape cataclysm healer b 01 [Doorway to Nowhere]
Inv belt plate raiddeathknight k 01 [Draugr, Girdle of the Everlasting King]
Inv bracer 26 [Drinking Horn Cover]
Inv 6 2raid ring 4b [Dual Determination]
Inv boots leather 8 [Duskwalker's Footpads]
Inv shoulder plate raidwarrior j 01 [Echoes of the Great Sundering]
Inv bracer 57 [Edraith, Bonds of Aglaya]
Inv boots mail 04black [Ei'thas, Lunar Glides of Eramas]
Inv chest leather 13 [Ekowraith, Creator of Worlds]
Inv boots mail raidshaman j 01 [Elemental Rebalancers]
Inv pants leather panda b 02 [Elize's Everlasting Encasement]
Inv chest mail dungeonmail c 04 [Emalon's Charged Core]
Inv pants robe raidwarlock j 01 [Entrancing Trousers of An'juna]
Inv boots leather 10v3 [Essence of Infusion]
Inv chest cloth 43 [Estel, Dejahna's Inspiration]
Inv jewelry ring 45 [Eye of Collidus the Warp-Watcher]
Inv jewelry ring ahnqiraj 02 [Eye of the Twisting Nether]
Inv belt cloth raidwarlock n 01 [Feretory of Souls]
Inv pants leather 40v1 [Fiery Red Maimers]
Inv chest mail raidshaman m 01 [Fire in the Deep]
Inv boots leather 13v1 [Firestone Walkers]
Inv jewelry ring 96 [Focuser of Jonat, the Elder]
Inv jewelry ring 134 [Fragment of the Betrayer's Prison]
Inv archaeology ogres sorcerer king toe ring [Frizzo's Fingertrap]
Inv helmet cloth pvpmage c 02 [Fundamental Observation]
Inv cape draenorquest90 b 03 mail [Fury of Nature]
Inv belt 49 [Gai Plin's Soothing Sash]
Inv stone 14 [Giant Elemental's Closed Stone Fist]
Inv helm cloth witchhat b 01 [Gravity Spiral]
Inv bracer leather raidrogue k 01 [Greenskin's Waterlogged Wristcuffs]
Tradeskill inscription jadeserpent [Hand-Carved Jade Puzzle Box]
Inv chest cloth raidpriestmythic o 01 [Heart of the Void]
Inv jewelry ring 72 [Heathcliff's Immortality]
Inv belt mail draenordungeon c 01 [Helbrine, Rope of the Mist Marauder]
Inv gauntlet leather raidrogue j 01 [Hidden Master's Forbidden Touch]
Inv misc key 13 [Hollow Skeleton Key]
Inv helmet 152 [Hood of Eternal Disdain]
Inv shoulder 110 [Ice Time]
Inv jewelry ring firelandsraid 03a [Ilterendi, Crown Jewel of Silvermoon]
Inv misc ring mop13 [Impeccable Fel Essence]
Inv shoulder robe raidpriest k 01 [Inner Hallation]
Inv misc epicring a2 [Insignia of Ravenholdt]
Inv leather raiddruid m 01belt [Intact Nazjatar Molting]
Inv jewelry ring 138 [Jewel of the Lost Abbey]
Inv helmet 134 [Justice Gaze]
Inv gloves plate deathknight m 01 [Kakushan's Stormscale Gauntlets]
Inv helmet robe raidpriest j 01 [Kam Xi'raff]
Inv boots cloth 33v4 [Katsuo's Eclipse]
Inv belt cloth raidwarlock i 01 [Kazzak's Final Curse]
Inv cape pandaria c 04 [Kazzalax, Fujieda's Fury]
Sha spell fire bluepyroblast nightmare [Kil'jaeden's Burning Wish]
Inv boots leather dungeonleather c 06 [Kirel Narak]
Inv belt 14 [Koltira's Newfound Will]
Inv belt cloth pvppriest f 01 [Koralon's Burning Touch]
Inv shoulder leather draenorcrafted d 01 alliance [Lady and the Child]
Inv cloth raidpriest q 01 glove [Lady Vashj's Grasp]
Inv jewelry ring 118 [Lana'thel's Lament]
Inv pants leather 27 [Leggings of The Black Flame]
Inv shoulder robe pvpwarlock d 01 [Lessons of Space-Time]
Inv jewelry ring 61 [Liadrin's Fury Unleashed]
Inv offhand outlandraid 03orange [Light-Bound Reliquary]
Spell nature stranglevines [Living Root-Bound Cache]
Inv boot leather raiddruid k 01 [Loramus Thalipedes' Sacrifice]
Inv bracer cloth raidpriest o 01 [Luffa Wrappings]
Inv bracer 31b [Magistrike Restraints]
Inv bracer mail raidhunter j 01 [Magnetized Blasting Cap Launcher]
Inv bracer 64v1 [Magtheridon's Banished Bracers]
Inv belt 92v4 [Mangaza's Madness]
Inv bracer plate pvpwarrior d 01 [Mannoroth's Bloodletting Manacles]
Inv shoulder 97 [Mantle of the First Kirin Tor]
Inv shoulder leather raidrogue k 01 [Mantle of the Master Assassin]
Item icecrowncape [Maraad's Dying Breath]
Inv ringwod d4 3 [March of the Legion]
Inv bracer robe raidwarlock j 01 [Marquee Bindings of the Sun King]
Inv glove mail raidshamanmythic o 01 [MKII Gyroscopic Stabilizer]
Inv plate raiddeathknightmythic o 01bracer [Mo'arg Bionic Stabilizers]
Inv shoulder 53 [Mother Shahraz's Seduction]
Inv bracer cloth panda b 01 [Muze's Unwavering Will]
Inv kilt cloth 02 [Mystic Kilt of the Rune Master]
Inv jewelry ring 54 [N'ero, Band of Promises]
Inv misc bone 03 [Naj'entus's Vertebrae]
Inv boots mail panda b 02 [Nesingwary's Trapping Treads]
Inv bracer leather cataclysm b 01 [Nobundo's Redemption]
Inv boots cloth 31 [Norgannon's Foresight]
Inv helm leather raiddruid m 01 [Oakheart's Puny Quods]
Inv leather raiddruid m 01pant [Oblivion's Embrace]
Inv shoulder plate pvppaladin o 01 [Obsidian Stone Spaulders]
Inv misc cape cataclysm tank b 01 [Odr, Shawl of the Ymirjar]
Inv bracer 40 [Oneth's Intuition]
Inv belt leather raiddruid i 01 [Ovyd's Winter Wrap]
Inv chest mail dungeonmail c 03 [Parsel's Tongue]
Inv helm plate raiddeathknight k 01 [Perseverance of the Ebon Martyr]
Inv bracer 41 [Petrichor Lagniappe]
Inv jewelry ring 94 [Phyrix's Embrace]
Inv shoulder 126 [Pillars of Inmost Light]
Inv pants cloth raidwarlock i 01 [Pillars of the Dark Portal]
Inv misc orb 04 [Pocket Keystone to Abandoned World]
Inv belt 30 [Power Cord of Lethtendris]
Inv gauntlets plate raidpaladin i 01 [Praetorian's Tidecallers]
Inv belt mail panda b 01white [Pristine Proto-Scale Girdle]
Inv boots leather raiddruid j 01 [Promise of Elune, the Moon Goddess]
Inv misc necklace15 [Prydaz, Xavaric's Magnum Opus]
Inv gauntlets 16 [Pyrotex Ignition Cloth]
Inv boot mail raidhunter n 01 [Qa'pla, Eredun War Order]
Inv misc bandana 01 [Raddon's Cascading Eyes]
Inv cape felfire raid d 01 [Radiant Moonlight]
Inv cloth draenorcrafted d 01gloves horde [Rammal's Ulterior Motive]
Inv pants plate raidwarrior i 01 [Rattlegore Bone Legplates]
Inv cape pandaria c 02 [Reap and Sow]
Inv shoulder cloth raidwarlock l 01 [Recurrent Ritual]
Inv bracer cloth pvpmage c 02 [Rhonin's Assaulting Armwraps]
Inv belt plate pvpdeathknight c 02 [Roar of the Seven Lions]
Inv robe pants pvpwarlock c 02 [Roots of Shaladrassil]
Inv shoulder 105 [Runemaster's Pauldrons]
Inv jewelry ring 66 [Sacrolash's Dark Strike]
Inv chest leather raidrogue j 01 [Sal'salabim's Lost Tunic]
Inv plate draenorcrafted d 01helm [Saruan's Resolve]
Inv chest plate raidpaladin j 01 [Scarlet Inquisitor's Expurgation]
Inv jewelry ring 86 [Seal of Necrofantasia]
Inv jewelry ring 149 [Sephuz's Secret]
Inv belt plate deathknight m 01 [Service of Gorefiend]
Inv bracer plate pvpdeathknight o 01 [Shackles of Bryndaor]
Inv boots mail dungeonmail c 04 [Shadow Satyr's Walk]
Inv 6 2raid ring 2a [Shard of the Exodar]
Inv helmet 133 [Shattered Fragments of Sindragosa]
Inv chest plate27v2 [Shelter of Rin]
Inv gauntlets 83 [Shivarran Symmetry]
Inv bracer 44 [Sin'dorei Spite]
Inv bracer 56 [Skjoldr, Sanctuary of Ivagont]
Inv shoulder plate raiddeathknight l 01 [Skullflower's Haemostasis]
Inv boots mail 02 [Skysec's Hold]
Inv gauntlets 85 [Smoldering Heart]
Inv 70 raid ring6a [Soul of the Archdruid]
Inv 70 raid ring2d [Soul of the Archmage]
Inv misc ring 4 [Soul of the Battlelord]
Inv 70 pvp ring2b [Soul of the Deathlord]
Inv 70 quest ring2b [Soul of the Farseer]
Inv jewelry ring 119 [Soul of the Grandmaster]
Inv jewelry ring 67 [Soul of the High Priest]
Inv jewelry ring 68 [Soul of the Highlord]
Inv 70 quest ring8a [Soul of the Huntmaster]
Inv 70 quest ring7c [Soul of the Netherlord]
Inv jewelry ring 56 [Soul of the Shadowblade]
Inv 70 dungeon ring6a [Soul of the Slayer]
Inv plate raidwarrior o 01chest [Soulflayer's Corruption]
Inv misc bag felclothbag [Spell-Secured Pocket of Infinite Depths]
Inv glove leather legionendgame c 01 [Spirit of the Darkness Flame]
Inv boot mail raidhunter m 01 [Spiritual Journey]
Inv misc treasurechest03b [Stalwart Champion's War Chest]
Inv belt plate pvpdeathknight e 01 [Storm Tempests]
Inv shoulder leather pvpmonk g 01 [Stormstout's Last Gasp]
Inv bracer cloth raidwarlock p 01 [Streten's Sleepless Shackles]
Inv shoulder plate deathknight m 01 [Tak'theritrix's Shoulderpads]
Inv misc pearlring2 [Tearstone of Elune]
Inv helmet 136 [The Alabaster Lady]
Inv jewelry ring 100 [The Apex Predator's Claw]
Inv qiraj draperegal [The Curse of Restlessness]
Inv belt leather raidrogue l 01 [The Dark Titan's Advice]
Inv boots chain 07 [The Deceiver's Blood Pact]
Inv bracer plate pvpdeathknight c 02 [The Defiler's Lost Vambraces]
Inv cape pandaria d 03 [The Dreadlord's Deceit]
Inv helmet 81 [The Emerald Dreamcatcher]
Inv chest leather raidrogue l 01 [The Emperor's Capacitor]
Inv crown 02 [The Empty Crown]
Inv glove cloth raidwarlockmythic q 01 [The First of the Dead]
Inv plate raiddeathknight o 01helm [The Great Storm's Eye]
Inv bracer 26b [The Instructor's Fourth Lesson]
Inv shoulder mail raidshaman m 01 [The Mantle of Command]
Inv chest cloth raidmage q 01 [The Master Harvester]
Inv helmet 116 [The Shadow Hunter's Voodoo Mask]
Inv helm plate raidpaladin n 01 [The Topless Tower]
Inv ringwod d4 2 [The Twins' Painful Touch]
Inv jewelry ring 142 [The Walls Fell]
Inv leather raiddruid o 01glove [The Wildshaper's Clutch]
Inv helmet leather raidmonk l 01 [The Wind Blows]
Inv boots leather 03a [Thraxi's Tricksy Treads]
Inv belt plate raiddeathknight j 01 [Thundergod's Vigor]
Inv shoulder plate dungeonplate c 06 [Timeless Stratagem]
Inv bracer plate raidpaladin l 01 [Toravon's Whiteout Bindings]
Inv pants plate raidwarrior n 01 [Tyelca, Ferren Marcus's Stature]
Inv glove plate panda b 01blue [Tyr's Hand of Faith]
Inv boots mail 08 [Ullr's Feather Snowshoes]
Inv glove mail raidhunter n 01 [Uncertain Reminder]
Inv shoulder 51 [Unison Spaulders]
Inv cape leather raiddemonhunter r 01 long [Unseen Predator's Cloak]
Inv bracer 17 [Uther's Guard]
Inv jewelry ring 121 [Uvanimor, the Unbeautiful]
Inv pants plate raiddeathknight i 01 [Valarjar Berserkers]
Spell holy healingfocus [Velen's Future Sight]
Inv helm cloth raidwarlock p 01 [Wakener's Loyalty]
Inv belt 66green [War Belt of the Sentinel Army]
Inv pants plate pvpdeathknight f 01 [Weight of the Earth]
Inv cape pandaria d 04 [Whisper of the Nathrezim]
Inv jewelry ring 78 [Wilfred's Sigil of Superior Summoning]
Inv pants cloth 02 [Will of Valeera]
Inv misc cape 20 [X'anshi, Shroud of Archbishop Benedictus]
Inv gauntlets leather raidrogue l 01 [X'oni's Caress]
Inv gauntlets 14 [Xalan the Feared's Clench]
Inv belt 71 [Zann'esu Journey]
Inv cape pandariapvp d 01 [Zeks Exterminatus]
Inv helm robe raidwarlock j 01 [Zenk'aram, Iridi's Anadem]
Inv jewelry ring 36 [Zevrim's Hunger]
Inv bracer leather raiddruid i 01 [Zoldyck Family Training Shackles]



Any lout with a hammer and tongs can bang steel. It takes a master craftsman to weave the very essence of the arcane into one's creations, to forge weapons of cunning as well as brute strength.

Trainer Train me.
Buy Let me browse your goods.


Fire mages who have acquired Inv sword 1h artifactfelomelorn d 01 [Felo'melorn] should speak with him to gain 50 Artifact Power.

On approach
Arcanomancer Vridiel says: <Name>! Is it true? Do you wield Felo'melorn? Come, speak with me!
So the stories are true - you've recovered Felo'melorn!
Shattered during the third war, Prince Kael'thas ordered its repair. Elven blades grow stronger with each reforging, but only in the hands of the finest craftsmen.
I have never seen such a wonder. May I hold it?

Gossip You may. But only for a moment.

Vridiel sets down his hammer and holds Felo'melorn, while the adventurer appears unarmed.
Arcanomancer Vridiel says: Ah, Felo'melorn. The Flamestrike! Such craftsmanship, such elegance...
Arcanomancer Vridiel says: This is not some brutish cleaver for the hacking of flesh. It is the slender blade of a tactician. Strands of arcane energy have been woven into the steel with each fold. I can feel its heat radiating down my arms. Magnificent!
Arcanomancer Vridiel says: Thank you, <name>. I have labored a hundred lifetimes and not seen its like.
Inv sword 1h artifactfelomelorn d 01 [Felo'melorn] gains 50 Artifact Power.

Patch changes[]

  • Legion Patch 7.3.5 (2018-01-16): Now offers a token that transforms into a random Legion legendary for your specialization, for 1000 Wakening Essences. You can also continue to come to Vridiel to upgrade the Legion legendary items you already have for the cost of 300 Wakening Essences.
  • Legion Patch 7.0.3 (2016-07-19): Added.


  1. ^ N [110] Touch of a Titan
  2. ^ N [110] Unsettled Power
  3. ^ N [110] Unsettled Power
  4. ^ N [110] The Cursed Shard
  5. ^ N [110] A Titanic Effort
  6. ^ N [110] A Titanic Effort

External links[]
