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Inv stone 15

Archaedic Stone is a rare ring which comes with a random enchantment, which drops from Archaedas in Uldaman at approximately 43% chance droprate.

Many powerful enchantments have been woven into the stone of the ring, it is an unpredictable object. No one knows when and what enchantment will manifest from it.[1]

Random enchantments[]

Item Suffix Stats Bonus
of Agility +11 Agility
of Arcane Resistance +11 Arcane Resistance
of Eluding +7 Dodge , +7 Agility
of Fire Resistance +11 Fire Resistance
of Frost Resistance +11 Frost Resistance
of Intellect +11 Intellect
of Shadow Resistance +11 Shadow Resistance
of Spirit +11 Spirit
of Stamina +11 Stamina
of Strength +11 Strength
of the Bear +7 Strength , +7 Stamina
of the Boar +7 Spirit , +7 Strength
of the Eagle +7 Stamina , +7 Intellect
of the Falcon +7 Agility , +7 Intellect
of the Gorilla +7 Intellect , +7 Strength
of the Monkey +7 Agility , +7 Stamina
of the Owl +7 Intellect , +7 Spirit
of the Tiger +7 Agility , +7 Critical Strike
of the Whale +7 Stamina , +7 Spirit
of the Wolf +7 Agility , +7 Spirit



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