The first rank of the Sentinel army is comprised of Archers. These brave warrior women are expert marksmen and use the concealing forests of Kalimdor to their advantage. Their lightning quick ambushes are legendary - for few warriors can match the speed and cunning of the proud Archers. Like all Night Elf women, Archers are able to Shadowmeld at night.
The basic ranged unit of the Night Elves, Archers are fairly popular mainly due to their cheap cost allowing them to be easily massed. Archers as a whole are fairly weak in team matches, because large numbers and collision size do not work well for allied units. Generally, Archers should be mounted on Hippogryphs, giving them more health and turning into an aerial unit to protect them from ground attacks.
When on the ground and night falls, Archers benefit from Elune's Grace, reducing the damage taken from piercing attacks by 65% and spells/magic damage by 80%. This makes them powerful for creeping against camps that have mainly pierce and magic damage, as they will be able to take the incoming hits surprisingly well. Late-game, it simply protects them from being killed quickly by more powerful and advanced units.
Spells and abilities[]
Lie in wait for enemies without attacking (Will respond to attacks).
Units will hold position and hold their fire, so when they are Shadowmelding, they will not break their own invisibility.
It's very handy for running away from a battle. The Hide ability is disabled during the day.
Archers now have a new passive ability, Elune's Grace. This ability grants them 35% damage reduction against Piercing attacks, and 20% damage reduction against spells.